
I've never fully understood why anyone would be obsessed with the identification as gamer. Been playing and loving games all my life, and not once have I ever thought: I'm a gamer. And I'm not casual player either; I smash noobs for breakfast! Scientist, teacher, lawyer, college student, race car driver, locksmith,

Educators should be picked on their intelligence and qualifications, not their "warmth" or appearance. That being said they should also take psy evaluations and background checks, or else people like this get to teach.

What are you people, the internet tough guys of jezebel? Lol.

For their specific species, yea. Let's not make blanket statements off a few scrubby spiders.

Crazy stuff, right?

These guys, the male praying mantis, and the male angler fish I just don't understand. Gettin' some booty is not worth dying over!

Internalized? I think that's genetic. Lol.


Yea I'm not sure I'd want to go to a convention that had them. Weird and awkward for everyone involved.


Being even less personal than handing out a business card isn't creepy? Kids these days.

What the hell have you been getting into lol?

Kraken now decides what is and is not appropriate for a website for which he/she has no authority.

Mmmm... no she doesn't. He's taller and denser.

Welcome to the crew, lass! LOL

I cringed as I read it lol.

Not Another Teen Movie. Im sure there are others if you rly sat down and thought about it lol.


Pretty sure the article talks about the violating. No need to echo it 100 times in the comments to get the point across.

hahaha my lady and I divide vacuuming that way! It's not so foreign.