
We never got anything like that tho and the name is more inline with Persona 4 Golden imo. Persona 5 also had Yusuke who went to a different school so it shouldn’t be impossible. Maybe you’ll still start as Joker and get to choose then? Like in Persona Q?

Why should they make it any easier? Cuphead on normal isn’t that hard to begin with. Everyone that plays or played a bunch of Mega Man for example is not that overwhelmed. On Hard it starts to get challenging but also not like a “almost impossible” kind of challenging.

I’m really disappointed about that. Dancer could’ve been a awesome healer but what do they do instead? Bard. While bards are in the game already!

Well, it’s badass when it doesn’t cut away to show unnecessary things like the upper part of the big City and the other city with dancer. That ruins the pacing of the trailer for me.

Kinda sad there won’t be a new healer class in the expansion, but DPS does make a bit more sense for Dancer just based on previous games.

Let’s be real here. It will be no new RPG, it will just be Persona 5 with a female Protagonist, the chance to date the guys and some other small changes.



True but for this series it feels kinda weird especially since the modern versions of Sonic etc always talk. I mean, it’s not terrible, it’s just a bit weird.

It doesn’t feel completely fair to have DLC weapons added to the grind, but they are all obtainable either by Supply Drop luck or through enough playtime to unlock the desired collection.

I love both but for me A Hat in Time had okay-ish level design with really weird gameplay. I can’t even describe it, it just felt weird and somewhat floaty.

I didn’t even 100% Yooka Laylee tbh.

Awkward Zombie does and doesn’t hit the nail on the head this week but that’s mainly because Yooka-Laylee and “Collectathons” (and 3D platformers) in general could be still great, they just have to do it good.

Oh right! Riku is in Shinjuku. Maybe the Reapers’ game doesn’t only take place in Shibuya anymore.

That always reminds me that Sunrise should really do something to introduce people to it’s big UC timeline since that one always seems to be the one that gets the most entries. Yes, you can watch the movies but that are also movies from the 1980s. That doesn’t mean that they are unwatchable but I’ve seen the first one

Dude, there is THE mecha game in that regard.

Translating from animation to real-life is not easy

I don’t know why anybody would play that except if it’s for free and you want to check out if it’s as hard as it looks.

Even in tons of “here’s what you need to know about KH” videos that peppered YouTube leading up to 3, most people were like “eh it’s a mobile game, how important can it be?”