


in the main page it says it is 46 MB. i have never ever seen a physical book that says how many mb it is.

I`d rather play pokemon than hear those bimbos “sing”

Someone is mad they dont have their own splashscreen to show off.

Shouldn’t have drank if he couldn’t control himself. I say fuck him.

Why? Is that the best rebuttal you could think of?

Are you going to pretend like you know exactly what happened before the video was shot? We don`t know how the black person acted before the police reacted.

I hate niggers, Im ok with black people.

Are you going to write an article about the black people that robbed someone else by using Pokemon go?

There is only a video after he was shot, there is no video before that happened, so no one has a way of knowing how he reacted or how he took out his “wallet”, in case he was really taking out his wallet and not the gun.

D E S I G N A T E D -S H I T T I N G -S T R E E T S. Remember to poo in the loo.

Police are trained to observe and evaluate every action you do, you are free to act nervous or upset when encountered to a cop, but for them, that is just a sign for them to keep probing you.

Keep believing that.

All that was given up when the patriot act was signed with the pretext of making us safe. Now you have to either adapt or face the consequences.

Then most people should get their shit together. Not breaking the law is not that hard.

Acting confrontational to someone not only with a gun but with the legal authority to shoot you down should he feel ever threatened; That is not a very smart move. Besides, why would you act confrontational if you don’t have anything to hide. Identify yourself politely, let the police do their stuff, 15 min. max and

Smoking marijuana near a minor is a punishable offence in my opinion. He was not the golden citizen blm wanted us to believe.