hyperbolic paranoid

"He orders those fat capitalists to Eat It."

Well used?

Heck, there are postcards!

I dunno. Maybe I could say Pennsylvania Dutch.

Buttery males!

That's the point. They think that they shouldn't have to compete.

Larry: Trump's kindness translator

They were motivated to vote.

But I don't wanna be German-American.

Seemed like a good idea to revisit John Carpenter's They Live (1988).

It's full of stars!

He was great in Get Out.

Needs some punctuation!!!!!1!!1!


It's all part of an engorged plan.

Didn't she play the Brown Bunny?

"Northern Michigan shall rise again!"

Like Jesus?

The Titanic broke into two halves whether you watched it or not.

Good luck. We're all counting on you.