Hyperbolic Idiot Chamber

i sure hope they weren’t planning on moving her up to be Black Panther

Really am refreshed by this honest overview, quite frankly. I’ve seen enough tweets about bugs in the game for me to compare 2077 to Fallout 3 but with Polish jank. I really want my own copy to play with so I can say for myself what makes this game good and bad, but first person RPGS never held water for me after a

There's just no honor among thieves.

I mean its peak “Fuck you, I got mine.” but at least its working in our favor. Kemp got the governorship and could’ve been courting Trump just to make that happen for him for all we know. 

It can indeed be a good thing, but the starting point of my analysis is that big philanthropy is an exercise in power—the direction of the private assets of wealthy people toward some public influence.

I believe you should be able to do whatever you want with your money, as long as it’s legal. I also believe you should keep the knowledge of what you do with that money to yourself. 

Some models have young adults getting higher priority than other healthy adult age groups because there’s more transmission in that group so maybe that?

Speaking of deep cuts, I wonder what Johnny has to say about the Aldecados, given that he went into hiding with them in Mexico after the events of Never Fade Away, and returned to the US with them in 2015. 🤔

If Kemp can’t steal an election for you that shit is unstealable.

Kemp knows Trump is done and there ain’t shit he can do, while Kemp knows he’s still gonna be governor for a while whatever Trump does. He’s probably betting it’ll blow over.

I’m right in the middle. (Only thing moving me up in line is that I’m “Essential”.) I’m okay with this - hospital staff and Mom need to get it before me.

Apparently remaking the Voodoo Boys in this way was Pondsmith’s idea.

I’m not as worried about it since they changed up the Voodoo boys from their old lore so they’re at least aware that some of the trappings of 2020 were offensive/stupid back then and certainly outdated now.

Now playing

Will be waiting for next-gen as well. In the meantime, though:

Because that would rightfully recall what he did in 2018, and he doesn’t want any more information to come out about his controversial election process.

There isn’t a Republican in this country that regrets the 2016 election. There isn’t a Republican politician in this country that has the backbone to stand up to Trump because they fear losing voters. However, very few Republican politicians regret the 2020 election. They knew the potential problems of another 4 years

There’s nothing to be gained by doing it. Trump himself can line his own pockets by continuing to solicit donations for as long as the marks will sign checks—but neither Kemp nor the more reality-based wing of the Republican party benefit from playing along.

Hopefully not the evil floating eyeballs bad...

Oh I’m sure it’s going to be filled to the brim with bugs. But I’m honestly willing to deal with it since the game seems to be pretty fucking cool/great! As long as they are not break your console bugs, I can make do. I’m sure there were probably serious discussions of delaying to 2021 until investors told them that

A beloved tabletop RPG franchise in the hands of the developer that created one of the best RPG/Adventure video game franchises in recent memory, and you’re having a hard time figuring out why people are excited?