
Atlus: Hey other SMT fans, sorry that we've only been paying attention to Persona lately. DeSu: Break Record and SMT X FE? Oh, don't fret about that. Look, an iOS English port of the first SMT game, and here, Raidou Kuzunoha for PSN. We know that it's no Nocturne, but we hope you have fun p - erSONA 4.

insert gushing about Persona 3/4 here

I wonder if Slowbeef and Diabetus were there. It'd make great mocking material for Retsupurae.

My rule of thumb when it comes to dubs is that if it isn't dubbed by Funimation, it might not be good.

I would complain about them not changing much, but to be honest, what major changes can be made?

I generally prefer his counterpart Cry over him. Cry is just more chill, doesn't really force any humor or make offensive jokes and his fans are way more mellow than Pewd's and they can actually handle criticism.

I hate how people just expected Silver to be another Red instead of letting it develop into a beast of its own until up to the end.

Meanwhile, on other MegaTen related things unreported by Kotaku because all they care about is Persona 3/4:
* SMT Imagine's America servers shut down.
* SMT I is coming to America on iOS; let's take what we can get.
* Does nobody talk about SMT IV's soundtrack??

Oh my god, I forgot about the Ape Escape series. Was it represented in All-Stars?

Do you ever include things that were posted the previous night? I usually post my stuff at night but they end up getting ignored.

Meanwhile, SMT x FE and the Devil Survivor 2 remake are nowhere to be seen.

I kinda hated Ken in the original game, but I thought he was kinda okay in the portable version. Well, if you can get past the pedophilia. If the second movie gets dubbed though, please get a new voice actor, for the love of god.

You should see Episode 4. The first half starts out as a zombie apocalypse, and the second half completely subverts everything you know.

Tall girls with short guys are one of my weaknesses when it comes to shipping.

I hope a certain event on October 4th goes on without any sadness or dying.

( insert Nintendo doom and gloom, complaining that Nintendo is going downhill while ignoring the 3DS and/or that Nintendo should go 3rd-party)

I don't remember, but Atlus' twitter announced it with a cover image.

Meanwhile, the SMT IV soundtrack is coming out. Not as if the P3/P4 crowd cares.