
I’m curious. If he was foung not guilty, why was he sent to jail? Don’t you have to be found guilty to earn a jail sentence? Did the guy’s lawyer not throw a legal fit about any of this? I would hope my lawyer would go public about something like this, file a complaint to have the idiot judge removed from the

Orton mature? Thpt. That’s a laugh. Orton has been this way since WWE first signed him. There is one reason, and one reason only, that Orton feels that the WWE won’t fire him: money. If the WWE were to release Orton, someone else would snap him up in an instant and that organization would make money. Frankly,

Internal explosions.

I would agree. I’m not entirely sure how Blizzard’s ToS would interpret this kind of activity. It does sound like a good way to get some top-level advice. Clearly, these women are good at the game. I frown that I would have to pay them to play with them to get advice on how to get better. But if this is how they

The problem with deregulation of the airlines is rather simple: if the airlines make a mistake, a chance that mistake could lead to a loss of life is greater than most other industries. During a TV show that explore several infamous airline disasters, one of the people interviewed said that the airline industry

“The fundamental flaw in Warcraft is the same flaw we find in most video game movies: It takes itself too seriously. These games are set in a world full of in-jokes and surreal humor, one that’s inhabited by a race of giant panda bears because the developers at Blizzard really liked one of their own April Fool’s

This reminds me of a giveaway Blizzard once did for World of Warcraft. The company gave away a life-sized night elf female statue as a contest prize. Blizzard said it was displayed in their office in California. Sounds like a nice idea. But all I kept thinking was “If I won that, what exactly would I DO with it?”

Differences like this are part of the reason I stopped watching the Harry Potter movies after the third one. I knew the books quite well. But the movies dropped many parts and even changed some things. There was one such instance in the third movie that while watching it in the theaters, I dropped my jaw and said

I may not work in the game industry. But if I was told to work mandatory overtime and not be paid for it, I would not be working. I had that happen once. A manager at a store I worked at clocked everyone out even though there were still things that needed to be done. But once I stopped being paid, I was out of there.

You know, that’s a pretty cool bit of anime. I wouldn’t mind seeing more.

“Impressive. Most impressive.” The Dark Lord of the Sith approves! Well done, madam.

Blizzard confirmed on their website that the launch date is indeed May 24.

The Shadow Chamber allows XCOM to research more advanced alien technology. According to ChristopherOdd, this is an essential room to have in your Avenger to progress the story and to gain a pre-mission upperhand on gaining useful intel before a mission starts. The Shadow Chamber is also great for showing you how many