
I had a quadriplegic coworker who drove an F250. He had a lift that put his chair where the driver seat used to be.

It does require that here in Texas; all my business cards have said “Engineering,” because I’m not a licensed Professional Engineer, even though I have a BSME and do engineering work. PEs carry a lot higher burden for the designs they create/approve, and can be held responsible/liable should the design of, say, a

I once avoided going to jail because I had my 12 lb Bengal cat loose in the truck.

The best surface cleaner in my experience is rubbing alcohol. And it’s $0.99/bottle at Walmart! Also, in the past I’ve used www.paintscratch.com to order touch up paint. It won’t compensate for sun fade, but it’s matched factory paint 100% for everything I’ve ordered so far. You can order it in ready to use spray