
@ortizlgnd4: Back in that particular day, I was living in Idaho. 85% Mormon, and they believe that caffeine is a sinful drug.

In other news, fire has been discovered to be nothing more than an exothermous chemical reaction and the third planet of this solar system orbits its central star just like the other seven planets.

@taodude: Then arrest that icy ass! Throw it in jail!

@hostile-17: No. Not at all. That is his baffled face. You don't want to see his "serious" face.

@sydcinema: Stupidity and osteoporotic bones are surprisingly buoyant...

@Platypus Man: Get married, have a bunch of kids, be happy. Buy a lobster dinner. Pay more than a dollar.

@ortizlgnd4: Even though that was a terribly bad movie cinematographically, it was hugely entertaining when watched with a bunch of friends, in the basement, drunk, with cupcakes.

@CSX321: There's a locally famous case of a patient who suffered a car accident that, among other things, caused severe damage to his right frontal lobe. After the necessary resection of a large amount of the damaged tissue and several weeks of therapy, it turned out that aside from some fine motor skill deficiency

@4nth0ny: I stand corrected. Although to be perfectly fair, I am in Germany and you are in the US.

There is no definitive data on this issue because - luckily - there aren't enough cases to cater to a specific study centered on this problem.

If that's not a biased article (stub), I don't know what is.

Exaggeration for comic effect. Yes.

@CountChocula: I didn't say it was better. I just enjoy using it. And you won't disagree that someone is bound to run OSX on this notebook.

I've tried a couple of browsers on the iPad, but I keep coming back to Atomic. Most likely, it's just personal preference, but whenever I tried a different browser (like Mercury, Lunascape et cetera), they did one or two things better, but then disappointed in an area that Atomic covered passably as well.

@tsdexter: That's what I thought. But apparently, they're using different IDs for each download. And here I was thinking there are much easier ways to make money...

Peculiarly, this reminds me of an Eddie Izzard bit about the Austro-Hungarian Empire: It slowly collapsed like a flan in a cupboard.

That is one sexy, saucy notebook.

@jmith: This. Without question.