
My trouble is: I can't just sell off the new one, because my folks (or my brother...) lay claim to my old hardware almost as soon as I've bought it. "When you get a new one, I can have that one, right?"

For a lot of people internet shopping just hasn't hit home yet. While I know a number of people who shop online almost exclusively (except for groceries and the like), brick and mortar stores will always have the advantage of instant gratification on their side.

Fun fact: Some idiot tried using my credit card on iTunes, purchasing the same ¢99 app over and over again. While I have no idea how the crook got the data in the first place, since I rarely ever actually use my credit card, the company called me within 24 hours, politely asked to be excused for having deactivated the

Because this is the first time it happened. Really. I once had to help an elderly man who was flying home after having a (thankfully minor) accident while abroad. Note that I wrote "elderly man"? He must have been pushing 70, if a day. The pat down he had to endure was vigorous, to say the least. So vigorous, in fact,

I used the N52 (the old old orange one) for laboratory work. It's actually a fantastic device for handling spreadsheet tables, graphics shortcuts and the odd text editing and replacing needs. Unfortunately, the Mac drivers I had were out of date even then. If they've been updated and don't crash about ever hour or so,

This article is missing the #paidadvertisement tag. Because that's what it smells like, sounds like, looks like and feels like. Might be just a duck, though. You never know...

In a surprising move, Ford is the first car manufacturer to add an external cell phone compartment to their most popular models. All applicable models now come with standard bluetooth services and a compartment fitting most current cell phones.

@blash: Actually, the injuries I see from people riding their bikes are in many cases less severe than the ones I see after people ran into something.

I just want folders already. I keep reorganising my apps, but there's always something missing from the first two pages and then I just flick around aimlessly...

Dear God Lord Vader Mahatma Batman! Don't tell the robots!

Looks like more work for me.

I can still think of about half a dozen guys who would've made a better Hal Jordan...

This sounds like the stuff we used to record in Win95 using the free microphone that was inexplicably packaged together with the first Diamond Monster 3D graphics card...

That is going to be one obese Coyote very soon.

@drongch: Chem sniffers and metal detectors. If someone goes to the lengths of smuggling a powder-free ceramic gun, you won't find it either way.

@bitchincamaro: That only happens to people from Texas, and then only because the aliens mistake their humongous asses for a cow's.
