Couldn’t agree more. They’re not arguing with the merits of your point. They can’t. Rather, they choose to debate trite details.
Couldn’t agree more. They’re not arguing with the merits of your point. They can’t. Rather, they choose to debate trite details.
So, if someone accuses you of harassment, we should all immediately believe the accuser?
Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.
I just think Ridley Scott is doing this because of money, his new movie is going to bomb if he keeps Spacey there.
I can recognize sharks as an important apex predator that needs to be protected and still find them absolutely terrifying.
Yeah shows like Mindhunter and Stranger Things are garbage content. Good thing you cancelled.
Eh, I’m not so mad about that personally since Hulu does have a wide variety of content. It’s the networks that keep trying to make their streaming services separate that rub me the wrong way; having Netflix for movies and older content with Hulu for television and newer content makes sense to me. It’s paying CBS All…
Additional option: Realise it is probably not worth the calories. This ties in a bit to the advice to be skeptical against food you did not procure yourself. Most times whatever is on offer is honestly not something you would pick for yourself, so why eat it just because it happens to be there? It’s okay to say no,…
Your context is completely irrelevant to this situation. Stop now, please.
I would be careful ‘developing an intolerance’ just to avoid getting stuck in the snack trap, because all it takes is one person who actually has Celiac’s to see you munching on something that they would never be able to even stand near for you to be labeled as a liar and asshole.
Pretty sure saying “ching chong, ching chong” to any Asian person is considered unfunny and racist, no matter “your context.”
Sometimes, a photograph expresses something more powerful than any number of words. That’s the case with this year’s …
Dude, give it up.
I don’t know. If someone famous was racist to me, I would remember that a long time later compared to a random internet comment.
So... you don’t remember specifically something horrible that happened to you twenty years ago or more? Really? I remember things that happened to me in every detail when I was 10 years old, because it was traumatic. I am 48 years old. Please don’t be daft.
Ok but like...Richard Pryor wrote the sketch. He obviously knew the words that were going to be said to him. Yi had absolutely no expectation that Cross was going to be a racist shit to her and certainly didn’t agree to it beforehand. How, in your mind, are these two things even comparable?
I think the key to “I don’t remember” is that they thought nothing wrong with what they did. It wasn’t notable, it wasn’t something they’d remember. Like asking if they remember getting the mail 10 years ago or something.
You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.
I heard that after Javid Iqbal left his audition, his noticeable limp disappeared after a few steps. And just like that ... he’s gone.
Yeah, not the point. You want to shit on her for what she is doing right now working for her asshole dad, have at it. But It’s laughable that Katie is giving someone shit for their age 14 teenage years. And from reading her mom’s book, of all things.