H.R. HutchNstuff12

Getting a tie in the infamous Estadio Azteca is a huge accomplishment. It is quite possible that they have most hostile fans in the world. 4 points in the last 2 matches is not too shabby.

Good, there is a special place in hell for this piece of shit. I watched Christy Macks interview on Real Sports or E60, and it was absolutely terrifying. Watch it if you get a chance. This prick deserves everything he got, and then some.

And the first racist comment goes to....

You forgot world star.

Sounds like Lavar needs to stay in his lane of promoting his son and himself and not coach.

We all know people with big, lifted, diesel trucks are compensating for something else! I need to boost my self confidence by having a jacked up, black smoke blowing, diesel truck because, well you know why.

HOLY SHIT! That was pretty much head on. Safer barrier or not, that was a viscious, and brutal hit. It’s incredible that most of these guys walk away.

Now playing

Can’t really think of anything else to say...

Why does the right side of his face look so big and bulbous. I wonder who gave final approval of this, “Yep this is a 100% carbon copy of Jeter.” He kinda does have that Sloth look from The Goonies though.

I think the real tragedy here is that he spells his name Aric. In all seriousness though, lets hope he makes a speedy recovery. He had his helmet off, and window net down, so that is a good sign.

Danica Patrick is still a thing? Why?

Wow, very nice obituary. You guys sure are professional journalists! Amazing how you are able to put aside years of ridicule toward Berman when his humanity is thrust into your face. Bravo!

Ummm, are you illiterate? Where the hell did Utah State come from?

They should change it to Crosby Traumatic Encephalopathy...

I love relegation. I wish it applied to American sports. I know schematically it wouldn’t work in the US, but it would make all of the games interesting and it would prevent teams from tanking. That’s my scalding hot take.

Awkward! Maybe even more awkward when Sharapova grunts and moans like she is getting plowed.


Gronk tackle hard. Gronk hit hard. Gronk yo soy fiesta.

This will give him more time to commit sexual assaults.