The celery’s not “food,” it’s there to ease the burn a little.
The celery’s not “food,” it’s there to ease the burn a little.
You’re missing the point. Legal consequences for Giuliani are only one of many possible satisfactory outcomes Avenatti is pursuing here. He doesn’t need to meet legal standards of evidence in order to persuade broad swathes of the public of Giuliani’s hypocrisy.
I like to keep this link around as a reminder: Tolerance is not a moral precept; it is a peace treaty. If you break a peace treaty, the other party is no longer bound by it.
I got alcohol poisoning just reading this. How are you not dead?
That name is downright evocative.
To your point:
At roughly $20 a pop, that thousand dollars will cover my 4-stream Netflix subscription for the next six years, and my family and I will enjoy orders of magnitude more variety, even if we’re fussy about quality. No, you can keep your physical media, we’re good.
Nah. It’s an extreme telescopic shot. The bike is two miles away and you’re looking though like 50x magnification. All is well.
The next best thing: Google Street View of Petra
Elegance upon elegance: canonizing the scar on Harrison Ford’s chin through Indy’s inelegant first use of a whip. That’s just over-the-top brillance.
Great moment in me history: I too saw Jurassic Park opening night, in a palace of a standalone theater with many hundreds of others. Our heroes arrive at the T-Rex paddock as the setting turns dark and rainy; no T-Rex. Audience is rapt. Control room brings on the goat. I burst out with “That’s not a Tyrranosaur!”
Diana, I really appreciate the hard work you put into reporting out tough stories like these again and again. I’m sure it takes a toll.
This is solid Kinja.
Lynched. Not just executed. We have a word for the extrajudicial killing of a black person when the killers are operating under the knowledge that they will face no serious consequences, and we should be using it, because even “killing” and “execution” and “murder” do not adequately capture the full horror of the act,…
This is what Google Maps Street View is for.
The whole set was brilliant, but in fairness, it wasn’t entirely acoustic:
I was going to as well, but it’s on 69 so I’ll leave it be.
You say this like it’s a bad thing?