
The Rambo movies always annoyed me. Because the book (and to a point the first movie) is largely about a traumatized veteran who snaps after being constantly abused. But the sequels are all about him being a damn action hero.

Rich? Base pay plus all the plus ups like hazard pay, etc... We had folks going to AFG (just regular contractors not guns or anything) that their base salary may have been ~$50k. Don’t really know who was making what ut I would imagine it is not far off. Go over there and once you added in all the different add on

It was dumb. It was predictable. It was clearly won by Mayweather.

Gizmodo was reporting on Milo Yiannopoulos’ leaked book with a very in depth opinion and criticism. When I suggested Gizmodo stick to technology and leave politics out of their articles the responses I got justifying it were, “The book is leaked and therefore it falls in the realm of technology.” Given that

The article is about racist blacks - something that doesn’t fit the narrative on Gizmoto... I’m surprised it was mentioned at all.

Yeah, I guess it’s best to just focus on the part where she got away and not discuss the horrifying full story.

I’ll just leave this here for some of The Greys:

I’m more informed than the fucking “the message is being worked on” Democrats.

Before I even read any of the comments.

Unsourced? Other than the NY Times article that this story links to you mean?

Listen peeps, Black Lives Matter isn’t saying that ‘white lives’ don’t matter. They aren’t saying that ‘police lives’ don’t matter. All they are saying is, “Treat our Black lives with equal concern as you would want your own.”

I’m white and when I was young I had jobs shoveling in the sun - 12 hours a day. I used to work in oil lease service crews, laying pipe and building fences and hooking up equipment all day long. At that time and place it was actually the best paying work I could get.

They cover both sides of an issue. It’s outrageous.

baseball is a regional sport? maybe if you consider Earth as a region? i believe baseball stretches through many more countries and communities around the world than american football does 

This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.

Now playing

Um isn’t Georgia where this was said to have occurred

You’re 100% right. What’s missing is a sentence that says “fearing the possible (likely) outcome of a jury trial [especially with that judge presiding] he offered to plead guilty to assault with a promise of no jail/time served...”

When he was arrested, Chatman offered to plead guilty to assault in exchange for having the armed robbery charge dropped.....