
Ready Player One 2: Electric Boogaloo

Or just can of beans 2020 and I prefer generic aldi

It’s illegal

Mini pig in a tuxedo...GO!


Aldi has good canned and dried beans, chipotle peppers in adobo, yellow rice and a bunch of other stuff. It’s the Pueblo Lindo brand there. All for just about as cheap as Goya.

I use cumin or coriander in my adobo, round up the 2tsps to Tbsps and halve the salt.

I add ground coriander or cumin to my adobo, round up the tsps to Tbsp and I cut the salt in half.

Hear, hear! I wish she would write all of the dirt bags.

Don’t listen to them. There is no need to justify to us. You’re doing what’s best for everyone in an un-winable situation.

Both orange!

Penny, then?

Huh I never knew they were together and now I have all the emotions simultaneously 

Ahhhhhhh private space. Good for you! 


Do I have to use the three seashells now?

Well no fucking shit

“Empathy” is the word you’re looking for.

Lol for all the articles about Q that have been around in the last six months, I legit didn’t know it had already been launched 🤷🏻‍♀️
