
83cAUZ3 17'z 1337

Probably not easy

Wait what do you mean they're behin

No because T still killed Tywin.

No Casterly Rock in the opening theme?? I've been waiting for that!

Oh noez!

But Powers Booth Died! :(


I mean, she was captured then to be tortured by the Mountain but we haven't seen her dead.

The old U.K. Eps are on you tube!

Better get your Schwartz ring!

Nurse? She's a septa, yes?

Indeed, strongly disagree!!

He was denied a bank loan.

Well I still drink surge whilst listening to ska so

"What's Happening to my Body? (Book for Girls)"

Did we miss it? Just now!

Earlier—came out in 92.

Let's count em!

Keebler elf.