
What about the TriLateral Commission orders to the CIA and black helicopters??!? You know they be spreading that shit over Black and Latinx neighborhoods just like they gave out crack to schoolkids.

As a grit eating Southerner, I’m here to say polenta and grits are NOT the same, but they are very close, like children in the Hapsburg family. As someone stated before, nearly all grits eaten in the South are hominy grits rather than the simple ground cornmeal which makes polenta. Hominy is the whole grain precursor

Panama, you have a child now. Sometimes you have to stop thinking and just go with it. It will seem wrong. The facts will be incorrect. The spelling will be off.

I can’t believe nobody listed potstickers or some other frozen dumplings. I mean, really! And no Steak-Umms or corn dogs either! The Schwann’s man would be quite disappointed with you!

I don’t get the Guy Fieri hate. The word that everyone is looking for but never quite use to describe Guy is “CORNY”. He is sometimes eye-roll and groan inducing corny like a farm in Nebraska, but he KNOWS he’s corny and he’s cool with it. In that way, he’s like having Ned Flanders as your neighbor. People hate him

Whoops, looks like somebody ungreyed the Trump trolls en masse. Stop feeding them and they’ll go back to being ignored on Facebook.

In the spades games I’ve played, a “Boston” was either called “running the board” or “shooting the moon” (to borrow a term from Hearts). I never heard the term “Boston” until reading these articles. We also played 3-man spades, 5-man spades and a version of Bid Whist (more akin to Bridge where the high bidder calls

I (checks notes) sorta feel the same way as Flava. PE shouldn’t be endorsing any politician this early in the campaign. If it was September and there was a candidate, then yeah. But right now? Plus, a candidate’s campaign should have enough money to pay you for work done to support their campaign. The carpenters and

In those three paragraphs, you managed to discredit the Old Testament and its “teachings” even further than I thought it had already been debunked. Thank you for your inclusion of the “magical’ thinking of certain members of a particular rabbinical class. The depths of prefabrication those will go to support their

Now THAT’S a funny Bed Intruder reference!

Hey champ, maybe you can explain where FoF is wrong in her statement. She only wants the same kind of police response and prosecutorial result for Black women victims who. Never. Get. Justice. She just wants Black men to be better. If you don’t understand that, then I don’t know what else I can do for you.

Hear Hear!! Not to mention the influence they had on other punk rockers like the Ramones, Black Flag, Murphy’s Law, 24-7 Spyz, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys, Social Distortion, Circle Jerks, NOFX, and Fugazi. HR is a rock star’s rock star—on the Chuck Berry/Syd Barrett/Jim Morrison out there vein..

The. Only. Way. To. Eat. 100% Healthily. Is. To. Make. Every. Meal. Yourself. With. Measured. Serving. Portions.

Iounknow— Looks like your typical rom-com with Blacktors instead of the usual Aniston/Hudson/indistinguishable StoneFisherKendricks rando basic Whyte girl. Is there a real plot other than an extension of 3 seasons of Insecure? Bad as “Queen and Slim” was, at least the plot wasn’t a snoozer.

The proper term for what you are is : cannasseur.

The taxpayers should end up footing the whole bill—the school system is paid for entirely by taxes and none of this would have happened if the kid wasn’t at school in her class.

At this point these movies are just like the countless Dolemite movies or Penitentiary movies or straight to video sequels. They don’t need to be good. They just need to exist. They need to be released so a certain type of non-reading, unthinking, and overly self-assured person will have a movie they can discuss with

You should be thinking Tanya Tucker—she’s the only one with a 50 year career and the kind of pull an Academy Member would need.

Until a group of voters replaces them with Democratic candidates, they ARE above everything! The only thing Republican politicians understand is ballots, pure and simple. Until and unless the Democrats are willing to get into this pig fight like brawlers for votes, they will always lose because people don’t vote for

The worst part about this guy is that I know he thinks he’s “helping” Black people in doing his level best to “calm White people down” by “Blacksplaining” them into not being as upset by the truth of themselves. In doing so, he hopes to assure them that they aren’t as bad as we say they are.