
Jesus Howard Christ what a cowardly shitstain! Just so much unsociable behavior here its hard to pick apart.

Stop imagining what you would do if you were Tiger and put yourself in HIS shoes.

It’s a win for Blackness because White people lost at something they erected roadblock after roadblock to prevent Black people from participating in and enjoying. This is just like every other sport that started as Whites at leisure—like rugby (football), soccer, cricket, baseball, boxing, badminton, auto racing,

Ah, the Tiger haters...

As far as I can tell, Nipsey’s community work extended to opening a shop and expressing an interest in buying the strip mall to help revitalize the neighborhood. That’s not a bad start coming from a kid who emigrated to America from Eritrea and whose family had to fight to be recognized as being citizens of a

Yes, he did have a unique position to influence young people—but those same people also hold Kodak Black as influential, Tekashi 69 as influential and (RIP) XXXTentation as influential. All of these people are fairly deplorable as human beings, IMO. They have some rap talent; their lyrics are pretty mundane and

I’m not talking about most people—I’m talking about Black people. And my problem is that we heap such praise and attention on negative people turning themselves around rather than heaping far more praise and attention on kids already doing the right thing. People who mess up shouldn’t get more positive attention than

I’m gonna be the asshole here, but I think it’s truly sad that we are so starstruck and so devoid of decent people to rally behind that a reformed gang banger is the sauce that pulls us together. Don’t get me wrong—I applaud Nipsey for whatever work he was doing, but the fact that most people went “who?’ when he was

This is why you never do retarded shit like ask for an apology. Who gives a shit if they’re sorry? It’s never genuine because its forced; if these people were the kind of morally upright human beings who were capable of having feelings like shame or remorse, they would have apologized already without any request from

Dude, I don’t know what you’re reading from Black people in 1840, but I don’t believe there ever was a time where a White actor wore Blackface who was not bigoted or intended to denigrate Black people due to their wretched conditions in slaveholding America. They knew how to apply dark makeup in a way to not make it

Welcome to the Deep South, Mythryl.


I agree with the talking goat—these hats serve as Klan hoods or swastika armbands for identification purposes. I want every bigot to own one and wear it everyday so we can all make decisions about how to disassociate with that person. If shunning is effective for teenage girls, it can work on 40-70 year old bigots.

I’m ashamed to say that when I saw her picture (and before I read the article), I thought it was one of the Wayans brothers promo-ing the sequel to “White Chicks” with a visit to see 45.

Why do you assume I’m White? Simply because I read the story thoroughly and noticed that the “victim” made no statement regarding the “suspect’s” outwardly expressed racial prejudices and implored people not to simply make that assumption because the fight was between a Black woman and a White dude? That all the

Nice argument.

This story highlights the fact that when you get involved in a street fight, you will also have to answer for your own actions clearly not related to self-defense.

I’m late, but I did enjoy that thoroughly.

Adina, shug, you gotta throw away the rulebook and find someone you can eat hot wings with and fall asleep on the couch while SWV plays in the background. This man should at the very least not be turned off by the concept. Apparently, none of your friends or family know of such a single man that they will risk

You know, it doesn’t have to get that complicated to find a connection between madam Cindy Yang and the White House...