
The problem with cops and most small minded people who think everything is black and white is that they are hammers and every problem to them is a nail. Hammers can only think of one solution to every problem—pound the nail.

Some people stand outside the jail and throw rocks at it...

Nah, only bigots even think to come out their mouth with that. People who aren’t bigoted don’t even think to use it because—surprise—they’re not bigoted.

The problem with guys like Trump and Jerry Jones is that they have no imagination—never have and never had to because someone else was there to bail them out.

The problem wasn’t that he wasn’t going to protest, but that he made suggestions about how other people should protest, and, in doing so, put on the cape for Jerry Jones and Donald Trump. He would have been better off staying silent about it or saying that he wasn’t going to protest out of respect to the whole team,

Based on the degrees of consanguinity (percentage of your bloodline that is descended from a particular parent), if you have 1/64th African blood, you are, by definition in the USA, a Black person. 1/2 Black is mulatto; 1/4 is quadroon; 1/8 is octaroon, and so on. Basically, if one of 64 of your immediate forbears (sta

As my grandmother used to tell me “Benson, White people pick a lie and they stick to it!”

Jersey—the “other crap” you think is shoehorned into the protest IS the protest my friend. It has been going on since a White man showed up in the “New World” and considered the thriving inhabitants he found here to be inferior to himself for no reason other than his own ego.

“She showed them her driver’s license and her passport as identification”.

Wow, I actually have a “Nigger Fight Story” from 1982.

Son of Johnny Otis and composer of Strawberry Letter 23!

I would be remiss if I didn’t add that a George Clinton/Parliafunkadelicament biopic is the only one that would span the right time frame—from the 60's to him still getting arrested a few years ago for cocaine possession. Takes you from the the late Ray/Get on Up to the early Straight Outta Compton.

Note how his bullshit apology completely neglected to atone for the racial slurs and bigotry that preceded the spitting as well as the physical act. The apology must acknowledge the wrongful act to even get close to being remorseful.

Another brilliant article. Please let me know when you, TNC and NDGT are on a lecture tour and I’ll be first in line to purchase a ticket.

My real problem with execution (aside from its inherent barbarism) is that it reflects the inclusion and imposition of a religious policy of retribution into the law codes of a secular nation. Retributive “justice” is based on Biblical codes of conduct that have woven their way into civil law codes in every society.

No. The Pick-Me gets mad at the other girls the guys pick. They know they are the only one who can treat him right—no one else. The guy could fart in her mouth and she’d ask for seconds.

Some people never quite understand that they’re in a hole; if they fail to see that, then they’re unlikely to know that the first maxim of avoiding self sabotage is that when you find yourself in a hole—stop digging.

I’m still waiting for these bitches (which necessarily includes Bruce, Rob, and Kanye) to break OJ Simpson off a piece of these billions.

Yes that shit is racist and yes Ashley is an idiot, buuuuut...

I guess the Aurora Civil Commission wants to waste taxpayer dollars paying off lawsuits, because this is precisely how you do it. The man is a proven liability time and again, yet he stays employed and why?