I see what you did there!
I see what you did there!
gladly. My browsers don't track my history, so what exaclty do you get from this? Want my cookies to, all you'll get are randomly generated session ids. So, please be kind enough to inform us of why we should care again.
I can appreciate that.
You add sarcasm, but I get the feeling there is actually a merging going on here. You have now have more square buttons, which windows has been rounding, and you have "Resume" which is very much the Windows "Hibernate" function and "ad-hoc" networks built easily. Not saying Mac is turning in to Windows. I am saying…
I'd have to disagree that block writing is only relegated to 2nd graders. In professional situations it is often preferred as there is less chance to miss read a letter. I agree that legible cursive is nice, but not everyone can read cursive and most people don't write it correctly, much less legibly. Just look at how…
1) Thank you G for listening to your users.
I'm just saying, going over the same stuff at least once a year doesn't mean it's news. Kinda like the actual news.
yes, unless you use a system like hamachi to create a singular extended network.
This doesn't require your monitor it uses the other computer's monitor. So instead of having on your pc (Main Monitor)-(RDP Monitor) you then have on your pc (Main Monitor 1)-(MM2)+on second pc(MM1)-(MM2) thereby giving you 4 monitor ability instead of 2, plus, hey real dual cores.
I'm a little off put. This program has been the subject, key, or source of many a LH article. It seems a little redundant to me, though it also seems so many people are uninformed about it. I've used this for years, 3 I think, and I heard about it at LH.
that would be gamemode.
I always actually wondered about that. What are the actual effects of metal in a microwave? Sure it sparks and the common belief is that this can damage your microwave, but I've always wondered about the truth behind that.
Okay, maybe we can lay this to rest this time.
Not that odd of a decision. If the judge had ruled based on GPS evidence, he would be setting precedence, which most try very hard to avoid.
Check your state traffic laws. Many require an actual radar or laser gun to be used in determining your speed.
@Maave @JohnnyLongArms Yes It was suppose to be Fool Proof and not full proof. Sorry. I can't seem to edit the original text to fix this.
I give that you have the right to call bs. Now, consider this. The link you propose is considering only single file erasure, not drive erasure, which is quite honestly a wholly different beast. Also, using spinrite I have and have also seen others, retrieve data from "wiped" drives. You can test it if you like. All of…
Yes I do. Thank you.
Just to be clear, as a data eradication technician, I can definitively say that most erasure methods don't do half as much as you think.