jewish soul singer

I actually saw Bill O'Reilly at a Smokey Robinson concert. I think he was looking for The Oak Ridge Boys and got lost. The Devil likes Soul. Shocking.

I actually saw Bill O'Reilly at a Smokey Robinson concert. I think he was looking for The Oak Ridge Boys and got lost. The Devil likes Soul. Shocking.

Francesa saw a Werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand and thought it was Jonah Hill.

That's the closest J.R. Smith has gotten to an opponent on defense all season.

If he were your patient, you wouldn't need anybody else. He is John Belushi and Chris Farley all wrapped up in one big Canadian mayoral package.

In related news, Rob Ford has legalized crack cocaine for the celebration in Toronto.

By your logic, rebounding, assisting, and defending will be rendered obsolete shortly, only to replaced by a Paul Westhead-Doug Moe game of horse masquerading as a baskeball game.

That's utter and complete nonsense. My 13 year-old son noticed it on the internet last night about the 81-point game and said Kobe and Carmelo couldn't at least have gotten 1 assist? I guess assists are overrated and points are the most important thing.

As someone who has submitted scouting reports for MLB, written for Bleacher Report, and edited the writings of professional sports journalists with The Bergen Record and USA Today while I was in college with them, I appreciate the fact that Dan LeBatard had the guts to turn his ballot over to the intelligent readers

These videos show why very few people get in the way of a LeBron dunk. It isn't fun getting run over by him. I would file for disability immediately if I took one of those.

Thank you for stating the obvious: that Dice's comedy is so offensive because it isn't truly funny. There are a few cute one-liners, but the Jewish Fonzie (who was a Jew playing an Italian) with the filthy mouth and trademark leather jacket is nothing more than a bad 80s relic. Somehow, he is being recreated as a

Just because he did something courageous doesn't stop him from being the worst basketball player I have ever seen, outside of his twin brother, who might have been a little better. His PER had to be negative. For my money (and MLB's and A-Rod), Anthony Bosch was the true winner.

Glad to see McNabb can spell Shanahan. Maybe that was why they didn't get along.

I guess this might be in Mike Napoli's future.

What does his father-in-law think when his daughter dresses up as Pocahontas and Reilly plays John Smith when he is not around?

To take Stuckey's spot on the roster, Dumars announced that the team is considering reacquiring Darko Milicic.

It was rocky road before the Super Bowl win with a leaky cone to represent the drops he suffered. Now, vanilla for the champion.

Fewer home run calls means that we are subjected to Suzyn Waldman more often. Not a great equation

Why do they call it "Australian Rules" when there aren't any rules?

Disappointed to be ridden by this gigantic jockey!!