
@Communist Pope: See for yourself, and download the demo. Personally, I didn't like it too much.

@ForsakenShadow: @jedbeetle: @kyosen: That is extremely good to know. Thank you. Now I have no choice but to buy Demon's Souls. :D

@ara: Dang. Then I guess it's just another "how we made this game" disc.

@STiger: From this interview video, it seems like - since the game developers want it to follow the book as closely as possible - it's going to be a linear game. There may be some wide, open places, but I don't think there will be a full open-world aspect... or multiplayer.

@STiger: I thought it was the next S.T.A.L.K.E.R. at first. That's how close it is to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. In fact, the development team making Metro 2033 is comprised of people from the studio that made S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :)

Oh no. From what the review says, it seems like character creation is like Oblivion's. I guess I can just deal with it, though, since everything else is freaking great... according to the review.

@ara: Final Fantasy XIII in one disc, and Final Fantasy XIII Versus in the other is what I speculate.

@STiger: I still can't believe people think Metro 2033 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. are "total ripoffs" of Fallout 3. It makes me laugh.

@kingphilip: Agreed. But, it does look cooler. It's like MetallicA and PanterA do with their logos.

@GrimCW: That is what many people think, but that's not what it stands for. ArmA: Armed Assault would be quite redundant if that were the case. Read here, where BIS goes over that: []

I believe the PlayStation version is getting more stuff is because Dante's Inferno's developers are obviously huge fans of God of War.

@Koztah: I believe we also called them updates when they contained more than just a patch, and plugins when they just contained [free] content, correct?

@HBD925: BIS posted a blog about this exact thing, actually. Pass it around, please. I'm getting a bit weary of people saying the same thing you do because they don't know the meaning of arma. You'll be quite surprised to find out how good the name actually is.

I'm so lucky. It looks blue to me. So now if someone asks why I have a lilac PSP, I'll just say, "I never noticed."

If you could, update the post with this video. It's the Eagle Wing teaser video.

@CoatedTrout: If you'd listen to the developer commentary, you'd see that they basically brought in "casual" gamers to test out the game. What are Xbox 360s for? "Casual" gamers who aren't so serious about gaming that they'll spend around $1000 on building the latest and greatest gaming PC, and then know that it'll be

@SergioAM: Now I see what you're saying. If it weren't for the Xbox 360 and Left 4 Dead were only on PC, Left 4 Dead 2 wouldn't exist. Instead, it would most likely be in the form of a free update to the game instead of a fully priced sequel, correct? Or, it would be an expansion pack priced at $20-$30.