

@Gundem: You do realize that America - and it's government - was founded on Christian values, right? #religion

@shades_of_blue: Of course you can describe your sexual preference... if yours is one that MS agrees with. And to me, it sounds like the world. #religion

Sounds nice. Except I don't have an Xbox 360. I sold it for a PS3. And before you ask: I have no regrets. #religion

It kind of did do nearly everything you said it didn't do. The countdown, the years of bombardment by GameStop employees, and the months of advertisement(even though they were for the most part just internet ads). And did I forget to mention the dunghill of cheap accessories with "Modern Warfare 2" slapped on them? #mo

@FunkyJ: I believe you mean F.A.G.S. And it's not really a big deal. It's just that "the media" likes to make a huge deal about anything that's game related and not politically correct, because that's how they get ratings. #modernwarfare2

@BasicPaul: It's definitely the lighting engine. It looks like a last-gen lighting engine. I'd say that the graphics are on-par with Oblivion's. Though, that's not saying much for a 2009 game. #modernwarfare2

@BasicPaul: I guess it really all relies on the developer, and which version they put more effort int0. For Modern Warfare 2, it's not so surprising that the Xbox 360 came out on top, since IW marketed it on the Xbox 360(Sony's got to learn that they're going to need to make some business friends, or MS will get the

@Sesshu: Looks like you won't be able to buy any upcoming PS3 games then, because that's the new case design on Uncharted 2.

@BasicPaul: It's literally just lower brightness on the Xbox 360 verison. A simple in-game adjustment. Other than that, there's no difference. At all. #modernwarfare2

@SurakshaNewt: I think this modder is more hurt about the removal of mods. I don't think he would've cared otherwise. #modernwarfare2

No go for me. I'm not buying into the hype, and didn't even consider preordering. In fact, I had no idea this game was releasing tomorrow. I'll wait until gameplay videos come out and I'll see if there's a good reason to get this or not. Until then, I'm neutral. #daynote

@TheFlyingGerbil: Where do you live? It probably is just how far away you are from their servers if you don't live in the US.

They look pretty much the same, well, once they post the corrected PS3 version's pictures they will. #modernwarfare2

@David Mortensen: Definitely slackers. It took them over 6 months to reply to my email. No, seriously. It did. #valve

This is actually spot-on, except for the ignoring people part. If I have to go to a store to buy a game, I go to Best Buy. Other than that, I use Amazon. No sales taxes. Or Steam for PC games. I like having my PC games all in an orderly fashion. #screengrab

@TheFlyingGerbil: Something's definitely wrong with your PC and internet connection, because my Steam downloads at about 2 MB per second, and starts up the exact moment I double click it. So... yeah. #modernwarfare2

@mindf1ow: I don't pirate by the way. I buy new, and discourage buying used unless there's no other option. #modernwarfare2