
Indycar will never recover from the damage caused by Tony George.

XL1 is “production”, but doesn’t meet the “mass produced” criteria by any stretch.

Is it wrong that I care only about the F/A-18?

Didn’t internal politics with the manufacturer also played a part? The Jaguar was a cooperative effort between BAC in the UK and Breguet in France. When Dassult took over Breguet they pushed their own design the Super Etendard ahead of the cooperative and therefore less profitable Jaguar?

Now playing

You do know that most large animals in the Deer family get hit at night right?

They're cheap for a reason...

As much as Russia likes to have a ring of client states around them (and given historical events, it’s understandable), their increasing meddling under Putin is going to drive nations that have been traditionally neutral into the arms of Western alliances. Even if they don’t join up with NATO, I’d expect much cozier

Tavarish should have a write up on how to buy a gently shot down SU-34 for the price of a new 5 Series pretty soon.

We own Harley Davidsons too and my first was a DynaGlide Convertible. 80,000 miles later I still own that old bike. For a cruiser it is rather nimble through twisty roads, acceleration is good for a heavy machine, it is comfortable for long trips and quick runs around town. Rode it across the U.S.A twice and it did

Ask the people who gather around when one pulls up!!

Yeah maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but this video deals with defogging. Defrosting, which I deal with daily for several months up here in the north, definitely doesn’t work this way.

My experience, the best way to defrost your windshield is to start driving right away while you can’t see anything. Roll your window down

when other companies/retailers jack up prices in times of high demand, we scream “gouging!!” when Uber does it, it’s “innovative.”

Admiral Painter not Jack Ryan

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Airbus don’t have planes in production that compete with the Antonov’s. I’m sure at least one of those companies (+ maybe Northrup Grumman) would be interested in possibly partnering with Antonov for heavy airlift. They have no problem with that in the military aviation realm.

Piech demanded ridiculous things and didn’t care much how engineers got there. Lutz isn’t always right but he’s 100% correct here, VW is going to write off $18B+ because of Piech’s top down authoritarian culture of intimidation.

You have spoken a great, unpopular truth. Thank you, and may God have mercy on you.

Mark VIII looked better before the facelift tho

The Model X - The answer to the question: What would it take to make a really neat minivan?

Yes, but that was more or less proven to be sensationalist journalism, not a fault of/massive coverup by the company. This makes the Audi deal look like a cakewalk.

Yeah I’m sorry but they did not have the ‘right’ to annex part of Ukraine. They may have pulled it off without major consequences but it was still wrong. Legally and morally.