
Rarely do I see mentioned in these articles the overall decline in the US motorcycle market. Back in the 1990s, most years were less than 300k bikes total. There was an explosion of demand in the late 90s and early 2000s that peaked at nearly 1.1 Mil bikes being sold in 2005. Sales fell off a cliff during the

I wonder how long it’s going to take for her to go blonde. That’s apparently a big deal for Elon. His first wife and mother of his 5 boys Justine Musk has an interesting blog about her experience with him.

It is hard to see how MoviePass’s business model can be sustained. I’ve had it for several months and have seen a ton of movies, including many I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. But over time you do tend to use it less, there’s only so many new movies that come out each week that I’m even interested in. And now that you

I think the heyday for F1 was the Cosworth era where race winning engine performance was available to all who wanted it. THAT’s what has really changed. We’ve had many seasons lately where only the team/engine manufacturer willing to spend close to half a Billion dollars has much chance of winning a race. And that

It’s the money that’s limited F1. You can’t win without one of the major engines and the manufacturers get to decide who they’ll sell to. And guess what, Mercedes and Ferrari don’t want to sell to a team like Red Bull that could actually beat them with their own engine. There is some hope. The proposed 2021 engine

Six different teams saw their Drivers win the Championship with the Cosworth.

The problem is that by giving all the money to Ferrari, F1 starves all the young startups that really can innovate and make the circus even better.

The way F1 is run is crazy. Everyone says they want competition but the rules are all tilted toward giving the biggest teams the lion’s share of the money. The NFL is the example of how a sports league can be run fairly. I loved the Cosworth era where a LOT of teams actually had a real chance of winning races.

How many former NASCAR drivers are there now? Tens of thousands? Only thousands? They run a BUNCH of different series and there’s lots of drivers.

“when the stakes are trying to keep automatic rifles out of the hands of mentally unstable teens”

Not a big Pruitt fan, but if people use the occasion of being locked together in an aluminum tube to harangue a public official, don’t be surprised if they make alternative arrangements.

He’s a well known Democrat and those are the voters he’ll have to get past. Sure, they supported well known abusers of women like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy but I think times have changed.

You really think Democratic primary voters are going to elect someone who’s already admitting to groping another actress and now faces further allegations? I’d be willing to admit that more women come forward about his behavior.

I’m guessing these allegations are going to put a stop to any political aspirations that Ben Affleck had.

Great. There are 3 channels you’ll have to pay attention to in order to watch the races. And of course there’s the ever present danger of last minute changes such as a prior program overrunning its time slot.

You’ve got to figure CA gas prices though. Considerably higher than the national average.

Those aren’t maintenance costs, they’re operating costs which include both fuel(free for the Tesla when using Superchargers) and maintenance.

The Federal incentive isn’t cut in half once Tesla sells 200k vehicles in the US. The full incentive is available throughout the quarter in which Tesla reaches that number AND the following quarter. Then, the next 2 Qtrs are at half the incentive followed by 2 more at 1/4 of the incentive.

That just goes to show how little you know about Harley Davidson. Harley came out with a new frame for the very bike that was “reviewed” in 2009 and they came out with a totally new engine(4 valve btw) in 2016. They offer Brembo brakes with ABS and flat screen displays with built in GPS, etc, etc.

A 27 yr old bike is supposed to be representative of Harley Davidson products today? Yeah, that’s not biased.