
Real animals and nature aren’t like a Disney movie, it’s survival of the fittest. And apex predators eat those that aren’t.

F1 should look at protecting the rear wheels the way IndyCar has done. That goes a long way toward addressing many of the safety concerns for open wheel race cars.

I hope they come down HARD on this guy. There’s way too many idiots out there that have some warped sense that they can do anything they want. A retired firefighter? This guy has some incredible sense of entitlement to think that doing something like that was ok.

This article points out several lessons that we should learn. As aircraft and their weapons have become more effective, you need less of them to get the same job done. Today’s smaller airway is still VASTLY more effective at destroying targets than ones of decades past. A single strike aircraft can destroy multiple

Given the investment that’s already been made in the Trident system, why not just install them in silos.

Not condoning police actions, but why do the skateboarders believe they have the right to use a public road for this? If they’ve gotten a permit then fine, otherwise you don’t have to right to use the road for this purpose.

The Ridgeline is selling much better than it’s long in the tooth predecessor. But, the first Ridgeline actually sold over 50k in its 2nd year of production and was above 40k two other years. It did taper off considerably in its 5th year and unfortunately was still sold largely unchanged for another 5 years of ever

I don’t know the details of how many cars we’re talking about, but I can see where this would be a problem if it was abused.

How about a rearward facing propeller that activates to offset the recoil forces. It would be perfect but could offset much of the force that would affect the drone.

“I know first-hand how difficult it is to find opportunities at all, let alone play a well developed, three dimensional character like Chin Ho. I will miss him sincerely.”

Are we for equality? Would muscle shirts be considered appropriate attire? How about flip flops? If this was a requirement that women had to wear dresses, I’d be criticizing it as well. But it’s not.

That was certainly true of the original show. There are very few shows or movies that are true ensembles like Friends was.

Fuel cells use hydrogen which can be refueled in a reasonable time period. Now you would be stopping to refuel 2-3 times to run the same distance.

I remember how bad the F-15 and F-14 were when they entered service. 60 Minutes did one of their exposes showing parked aircraft, some with parts stripped off to keep other ones flying. Unfortunately, that seems par for the course when introducing totally new aircraft, even 40 years ago. We’ve largely forgotten how

This ship would make a great basis for a smaller US carrier. You’d want to outfit it with catapults though in order to maximize its effectiveness.

The ramp actually allows a greater payload to be carried on the F-35Bs. It was a concept the Brits invented using their Harriers.

The ski jump ramps allows the aircraft to launch at higher weights than a completely flat surface would allow. With the much smaller Harrier, that amounted to an extra 2500 lbs. It’s probably much greater with the far larger F-35B.

They’ll be using the F-35B with it’s VSTOL capability, the US Marines use the same model. The US Navy will be using the F-35C which requires a catapult. It allows more range and payload compared the the B model. The British carriers were supposedly designed to retrofitted with catapults at a later date. But when

In a word, yes. It would cause an incident, as this blatant attack should have.

Yes of course. But, the issue becomes whether you’re better off with a shaking engine or just one engine. If you’re over the ocean, most pilots are going to want to keep both engines going if possible.