I don’t know if anyone follows The Soundtrack Show podcast, but there’s a great interview episode with Vince where he goes into a lot of detail about both Transformers and Rocky.
I don’t know if anyone follows The Soundtrack Show podcast, but there’s a great interview episode with Vince where he goes into a lot of detail about both Transformers and Rocky.
Zork II was the easy one, by the way.
And now please rise and remove your hats for the singing of our national anthem.
Based on the headline, I was hoping there was a wild bus and I would hear strange stories about how people died reaching into it. That would have been a much more mysterious story.
Jeremy Crawford just shot down the article title with a single word on twitter.
Welllll... I don’t regret not living in Laredo, so maybe I should amend that statement :)
Primary his ass! I only regret it’s not my district to vote for her.
650 miles sure can make a difference :)
Where are you seeing these?
So we have had straight ticket voting for a while and I always hated it. Now I see where they are doing away with it in 2020. Why would the GOP-run Texas government do away with such a thing? Apparently they don’t think it can benefit them anymore.
In fairness, I’ve never died in an auto accident...
Blah blah
A classically-trained fighter? You mean like a gladiator or something?
For the record, both candidates apparently support the rapist, so it’s not like that’s a distinction in this race.
So vote him in and then ride his ass to take the positions that are important to you. You sound like a good active constituent.
It brings to mind another time when I wore my welcome thin.
White women have a long history of voting their husband’s best interests.