
I do not understand how it’s possible to draw a pair of dice—something practically every living person on earth has seen, held, and could describe in perfect detail—that badly. I’m an awful, awful artist, and I could draw dice better left-handed, blackout drunk, on a crashing subway. This is the GOAT of bad dice

Glad you made it back to us Mike. 

I do.

A near silent Mustang inspired electric vehicle?


Such a shame. He should have created another opioid derivative and sold it through doctors. That's a okay.

They are also basically describing what Horizon Zero Dawn is on paper, but that also turned out to be amazing to the point of being on my top 10 of all time list.

Buy the book and find out!!!

Which two Indiana Jones movies were the government behind?

I so wish I wasn’t Grey because I have so much to add to this review about this game. Great review!

We are all farticus!!

*Stands up.* I AM FARTICUS.

No, I am farticus!

I am farticus.

After Lehman Brothers moved out in the middle of the month I had to shampoo the carpet TWICE to get the smell of AXE bodyspray out of the carpet. Lesson learned.

Last year, Gizmodo Media Group editorial had layoffs. But because we’re unionized, we were able to get a seat at the table to ensure that we were all kept informed, and we convinced our parent company Univision to instead offer buyouts, allowing those who wanted to leave the company to leave by choice (with 4 months

“..The problem with the question of ‘what do men want?’ is that they usually just tell you, rather inelegantly...”

This...this was a Chappelle’s Show bit right? I’m not just dreaming that? And the whole joke about the skit was that men basically just think pervy thoughts about every woman that crosses their path and lack any depth of thought.
Trading Spouses got turned in to a real thing, so why not this, I guess. Maybe next we’ll