CO and LA are looking pretty happy! What about Hawaii and Alaska?
CO and LA are looking pretty happy! What about Hawaii and Alaska?
funny you should ask...
Farcry 4 > wolfenstein X a billion. Honey badgers
wolfenstein over Farcry? 2 words: honey badger
Honestly, if I'm honest about being honest.
Let us not forget that Lotso ends up being tied to the front of a garbage truck, maybe even Sid's!
$$$800$$$ give or take what with taxes and trade-ins
'twas indeed, on Gizmodo I believe...
dude, that's a major bummer. I have to put my 14 pound mutt down this month... Its gonna be hard. Keep on Keepin
"When a plane sits at an airport overnight, the airline is supposed to do a full aircraft search before the plane goes out the next morning. " this RON search is done BY the contractor, in this case DGS. Not by the airline. The responsibility is handed over to a person making $8 an hour. Its always done lazily.
All Out War needs to end! I hope kirkman has got some fresh blood to pump into the comics... I can't stand much more of Negan.
That's because cats are soulless demons. A cat would just bail before any threat was even close.
Aftermarket Trans Am grill?
Apparently the PS4 is made almost entirely of air vents
the good 'ol PS logo, yay!
Just the controller. We've seen this already Sony!
ok, I'll do it..
as soon as I read "shot his dog..."
seems to me stupidity is not solely an American trait...