Hungry Hippo

@WUSS: You missed the point. The "something that stood out from either your resume or cover letter" better not be a lie, cause you'll likely get caught. Also, I'm not sure how you can say that it likely wouldn't be skills related? The point of the resume is to outline your skills and experience, not what you do on a

and this is why they call you shitty bank

@werner.stromer: This post made me realize how much the site has changed, not only in the last few years, but the last few months. After the whole Iphone 4 fiasco, it seems that some really ignorant people have been getting stars. The comments section of this site used to be more interesting to read than the articles

@Zanzan42: What are you actually going to achieve by obtaining statistics for that stereotype? and who's going to do the measuring? and what measurements will they use? the list goes on. research can become extremely problematic when we use statistics to reaffirm stereotypes which then become the basis of racist

didnt get into law school this year. only applied to one place, and although my stats would've definitely gotten me in last year, they didnt this year. didn't think it sucked so bad, cause im ready to apply again this year and needed a year off... but with all my friends going away to different law schools in all

Can't wait for this damn proximity sensor fix. I've been face dialing or hanging up on people since I've had the phone.

i've had to start using the "its not your responsibility" rule lately. It's hard to keep fighting the good fight when you get shit thrown at you all the time. Using education during openings of ignorance where the person will be receptive and the situation will not blow up is a difficult skill to learn, but it is

@metamaid: no, he was referring to white people being 'non-n' people. oh god larry, you are so close to that retirement you can taste it.

@theimmc: awesome explanation

@lionboy: I saw the visual exchange more as Peggy noticing the difference between her and Pete in terms of their lives since he raped her. While he's been able to build a family and a career, she's been unable to do both. And while having a child has made Pete more secure in his career, she's been forced to be on the

@Zonky: which one did you end up going with? I ended up with the Griffin graphite one, mainly because the dude that sold me the iphone at the apple store said he was getting it. i was tired, but excited about the free case, so i went with it without much thought

@lollilove: I think the point is that MTV's lack of response has made them tolerant (and possibly profit off) of Ryan's homophobia.

I thought it was impossible for us to survive in space, atleast on a planet, because our bodies natural rhythms would be thrown off. Im sure we could take trips out there, like astronauts do, but i don't know whether we could live out there.

@Zak123: I doubt they had enough time to do a case study. Aside from that, I think the point for apple was to make sure they look like they acknowledged the problem, and came to a resolution. Whether their resolution actually solves the problem completely is irrelevant, since it's a cost-benefit decision on their end.

@Zak123: I didn't pass by a free case, but I likely won't use it for the entire time I have my phone. I think you're assuming every person that has a case will use it, and that's simply untrue. We can't really say for sure which ones will and which ones won't, especially for the entire time they have the phone.

@KWOKtalks: Perhaps you live in an area that has strong reception, and when you lose some quality in reception, it is still at a high enough level that it would be considered full bars? I've noticed that I lose the most bars in areas where my reception is already poor (I'm on the Rogers network as well)

@Billybird: at one point, enough people were using "loose" instead of "lose" that I truly started to question whether I was using the correct version.

@Zak123: Well for one it's not an awkward way to hold the phone — it's quite natural actually. As for the number of people that do not use a case on their iphone 4, I know that that number includes myself and the apple rep that sold the phone to me. I haven't looked up the stats, and I doubt the number is drastically