I don't understand how blocking out background music is a part of not annoying anyone.
I don't understand how blocking out background music is a part of not annoying anyone.
@LaurieStrodeTheBoatAshore: that is amazing
@DorothyBarker: Oh gosh, the Real Housewives of Vancouver sounds like it'd be too scary for words.
@PrincessOfPower: to be fair, i think the reason they have a tv show is because they're worthless shitheads. I doubt many people would tune in to see level-headed, grown women hash out their problems through constructive discourse.
@andonthatnote: and because of the site's tech problems, we can't see your avatar!! ACK! Now I'm gonna be itching to see it when the sites back to normal!!
@Jon Morales: I find your comparison of Apples reception problems to an oil spill that will have a lasting impact on local economy, sea-life, and health to be a tad ignorant and extremely disrespectful.
@MaNiFeX: wow. you went from leaving the site to sucking balls pretty quick.
@outrageouschaos: ack, I was just corrected about the my incorrect usage of "who" when I meant to use "whom!" I feel your pain, Larry, I feel your pain.
@PhillyLass: yah that tina fey backlash (and subsequent backlash to the backlash) happened so fast, I must've missed it. Oh geez! Now I have whiplash
@MsLongstocking: Yah, my reason for thinking she's an anti-semite is long and confusing, so I could be reading too much into her statement.
@MsLongstocking: When she said "he would be surprised if I was with somebody Jewish," (referring to her husband), I took it to mean that they both shared a mutual anti-semitic attitude.
@vonapathy: I don't get why you think racist depictions of black people are "perhaps in the present?"
@Pigasus: wait for winmo 7. looks promising (check Gizmodo.com for info)
@LegalCookie: Why would you want to use the name of a colour from a less tolerant time? Wouldn't you rather use beige (in this instance) or a less intolerant word to describe a colour?
@esprit-follet: Hey thanks so much for that link. I missed it when it was originally posted (where was I?).
@lollapulizer: the one that i always point to, and seemed the most atrocious (because I love this band), is when she claimed that what Radiohead did was "unchristian" for not agreeing to meet with her entitled self after some mtv movie awards show.
But is this something that you want to do miley, or is it something that's being forced on you by industry expectations for women/your creepy pedo-bear like father? Also, the reason I criticize you is because I find you (and your entire team of handlers) to be hypocritical shits, who find issue with the way everyone…
@talkingstove: no, but a 12 year old wrote your comment
@quatrevingtquatre: what would your patronus be? Mine would be a jack russell i think.. or a sea otter.
@HereComesMyBaby: uh.. am i missing something? I just had issue with CrapComment's assertion that "telling white people to go back to europe" was racism.