Hungry Hippo

@Gobiasomecoffee: 10 or 12? That's amazing. I would love to do all of that in one go. I usually stretch that out all day. Thank god for being unemployed and student loans. Oh god i need a job. I'm learning more and more about myself during this thread....

i really don't get the whole "20-somethings" can bounce back with 5 hours sleep thing. I am so effin dead when i only get 6 hours of sleep let alone 5. Usually when my puppy saunters up to me with that sleepy look in his eye, i just cuddle up and take a nap. oh god, i am lazy.

@mwynn13: yeah I suspect they'll end up making these jeans in the apartment that this guy can afford on a barneys salary (where, from the looks of it, he works about 2 hours a day), with one pair of scissors and some regular thread. Ah, the magic of hbo

@mwynn13: I think Ben had been selling t-shirts in high school that Cam thought were great... not sure how relevant that experience would be to making jeans, but i'm sure they'll make it work somehow

@lalaland13: Oh we've had the best weather this winter! it's been sunny for the past few weeks, and usually around 8 degrees. Rain can be annoying though, and i have a feeling we'll be in for a doozy soon

@PixieSparkle: I know right!!?!! i will definitely have a drink for you! And possibly sing Oh Canada on the way from granville to scott road station and back :) it'll be grand!!


could it be??? will he be the first canadian on canadian soil to get GOOOOOLD???!!!

@ariadne_wishes_theseus_was_a_g...: im listening to the commentary on ctv (in vancouver).. it's actually pretty great and informative. glad i haven't switched the station

@clevernamehere: i dont understand why it's called ladies mogul and mens mogul... is it to hold on to tradition?

i do not believe

anyone write the lsat today? argh. that logical reasoning was tough!!

@MyNameIsChris: i love that episode! and it's kind of funny that you pulled out an old simpsons clip, cause there are so many conflicting views of which seasons and group of writers were the best. a humorless bitch: i dont know if its so much the sluttiness as it is the fact that she denounces those types of things when speaking of others. And the fact that she's so manufactured, and was involved in those racist photos (when she pulled her eyelids back), and didn't apologize for them

@Penny: WILL SOMEBODY GRAB ME A SODA!!! no? Well what if i do this !!!***@@@?

@MyNameIsChris: ... i like that song. i dunno i guess there'll always be some controversy surrounding these award shows. some people will have all of their favourite artists/entertainers win, others will have none. I dont know if the grammys have got it any better or worse than the other shows.

Now playing

@dripdrop: oh and here's the video from that night. so glad they won. they're a great band.

@dripdrop: so i went to the phoenix concert in vancouver a couple of weeks ago, and at the end during the encore all of us who were at the front were able to storm the stage!!! it was amazing. we got to rock out with phoenix while they performed "1901".

@lp8790: We live in a looks-based society and we need to stop trying to deny that