@Sputnik_Sweetheart: michael lohan belongs with the likes of Swine Herpes (i've been reading material on circadian rhythms, and swine herpes made me giggle). #lindsaylohan
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: michael lohan belongs with the likes of Swine Herpes (i've been reading material on circadian rhythms, and swine herpes made me giggle). #lindsaylohan
im more worried about the guy in the trench coat who's about to flash the crowd #parishilton
that is one perfectly carved pumpkin #vintageads
i still think cartmans version was the best #christopherwalken
i must be the odd one in the group, cause i LOOOVE the sunmaid raisins!! and we get so few kids around my neighbourhood, that we just give anyone who comes to the door candy. i guess im desperate to keep halloween alive #candy
I'm happy that Jessica Simpson decided to go to India, even if the possibility is there that she went for some self-serving purpose, but I truly hope she doesn't believe that all of India is like the slums in Slumdog Millionaire. #heidispencerjonkate
Dear Kim Z.,
@IHazKittehz: Yah most younger ones (like myself, 23) haven't followed the tradition the same way that our parents generation had. It could be because I am a first-generation indo-canadian... being a young, first-gen made me want to denounce any type of religious affiliations I had so i could fit in. oddly enough, in…
@BetteD: Tyra wouldn't know prayer beads from anal beads.
"Handling what is dealt to you" implies that the kids didn't have a choice in the manner. Probably not the right thing to say when you're talking about how the kids chose to go on tv, and that's the reason you continue to do this. #kategosselin10questions
@Her Grace: i agree. i thought that she isn't confused about her gender, she knows that she is a womyn. using ze kind of suggests that she is in a third category, or other category, that she hasn't specifically claimed to be a part of.
"As was mentioned, Mo'Nique is already at the top of her game, having sped past Queens of Comedy and The Parkers to host her own talk show and become a prominent pitch woman for various companies and health initiatives targeting the black community"
@samarkand: oh my god. thank you for reading the article. i thought i was the only one! i had to explain this to two other posters, and i really didn't want to get into a third description. regardless of whether people think that the author is correct or not, they at least need to understand the argument. #cellphonere…
@baboonbutt: but thats not at all what the article is saying. the author is saying that if you cannot afford a cellphone, or are not using one simply because you cannot be bothered to learn (due to other stresses in your life) then its not a big deal. As soon as you say "it's a luxury to have a cell phone, and I'll…
@Bunsen Honeydew: the article said that you wouldn't be classified a refusenik or trying to be cool or annoying. you simply cannot afford one. the point the author was trying to make was that people who can afford cellphones, or are not overly stressed in learning new technologies are the refuseniks (who are also…
@mbprice: +1 #punjabuniversity
@LaComtesse: i think they know that the hair is sold, but they do not know how much of a profit the hair is sold for. i'm interested in how you know the number of temples that inform women of the sale of hair? i was under the impression (much like @RyanB) that the women are not told that their hair will be sold?
@RockyMay: but would you refer to him as a male in class? i know you may be writing male in your comment because it makes grammatical sense, but if you referred to him as male in class it would probably make him use 'female' in later discussion just to ensure that the conversation terms remain parallel, and since…
@Hiroine Protagonist: and to think the comment had been edited. i wonder what the original version was?
@boozehound: im not sure we should really start to say that one person is a "true" victim of sexual assault, while another one isn't. at least in cases like these.