I am impressed, the last time I knocked a building down with a car the paint got a bit scuffed.
So what you’re saying is you’re flagging me for a false start?
I think this is the same incident
You could say the driver was blindsided
+1 Depends
Maybe watersports.
This video is from the same stadium as the beer chugging girl.
That’s like me looking for 4runner Trd pros. Most dealers are adding a 10k markup when from Toyota it’s around 39-42k. Used ones with 30-60k miles are still over 40k. It’s ridiculous. Wish it was like tesla and I just buy straight from the manufacturer.
The Right Way IPA, by Unwritten Rule Breweries
Dump the asshole who yanks the cup out of her hand to take credit for the ball. Believe me, he’ll only become more of a controlling asshole, not less.
Nothing like the craft beer accents of leather, pine tar, pitcher sweat and whatever else the pitcher had been rummaging around for in his pants for.
You’re a typo.
That upholstery made me have a seizure.
Justin why isn’t the steering wheel round