
Shadetree mechanics, THIS is the future of car repair. Looks so much more fun than changing a distributer or turning screws on a carb, doesn't it?

Why not have both? Exercise and weight lifting can help make for better learners.

Thanks. I had to walk all the way over to the printer to get the paper.


He was just demonstrating how to properly say the car's name... "I-BENT-a-DOOR"

I still don't get it, Tom.

That doesn't look like a pain in the ass. Not at all.

I did not expect that.

While Deadspin's fixation on pro wrestling (not a sport) irks the shit out of me, I do have to say that Stone Cold knocked that shit out of the park. Bravo, sir.

No kidding! I'm 6'6" and it's UNREAL how few cars I can fit into. Hence my 2001 Mercury Grand Marquis which, truth be told, could use a little more headroom.

As a tall man, I just have to say, it's not the availability of tall-person friendly cars... it's the price. The fact that there is a premium on being tall makes me look at all you short arses in your STi's and the like (former STi owner here - still recovering from the damage to my body) and think, "Fuck you!"

Still can't un-see this: it looks like a snake swallowing the last bit of a 911.

That's like 2/3 the weight of the car...shakes head...walks away.

I fail to see what a body on frame has to do with what the suspension is rated to handle. Your Outback was riding the bump stops because it was designed with a specific GVWR in mind. If they had intended for people to carry over one ton of bricks in the back, they would have A. been out of their minds, and B. equipped

Last time I tried to use my dinner fork as an ax, I wasn't impressed.

Who the f*** are you, Clark Griswold?! That thing would've collapsed a few times over.

That is just not true either. An old wagon would have probably broken in half on the way home.

You put the weight equivalent of 10 large adult men in the back of your vehicle and you expected something else? This deserves to be mocked, not shown as a shortcoming of the Outback.

Dude, there's like 3 tons on blocks in that car.