
I grew up a Mariners fan, but I have always warned my kids to stay away from them. They are just too much of a choking hazard.


“Hello, Ford? That’s right.. ALL the crossovers..”

That’s NAPA know how.

Sadly, they did not. They did not.

That is really cool, but holy shit, I could have done my taxes in the time it took that to close.

God dammit. You win the internets for this round.

Correct. Though that seems to be completely ignoring the fact that the whole reason those states seceded in the first place was because they were afraid of their slaves being taken away.

Thirst for blood is never quenched.

Old McDonald had a pig,

It’s dem haunches, yo. Dat booty makes shit conflicted.

You see a pig.. I see Street Sharks. Both are jawsome.

I’ll give my wife your number.

I showed my wife, and told her this was going to be our next car. She rolled her eyes, told me it was too expensive, AND THEN said it was also ‘ugly’.

Depressed, impressed.. Tomato, to-mah-to

Well don’t leave us in suspense!! Was the person holding his beer impressed?!

I definitely owned this phone. I had it for at least a year or more, until the hinge on the left side, opposite the antenna, completely broke off. At that point it was less of a ‘flip phone’, and more of just a ‘flop’ phone.

Haha! Fair enough. There are certainly occasions in my life that ‘more butt’ is better than ‘less butt’.

Does... does this look better?

That was the most astounding part to me, honestly.. I mean outside of the woman attempting to take flight.. but the fact that so many people are stopped, and yet NO ONE approaches the vehicle. They just stand around staring. And then after pausing to have a thought, decide they are going to run over.