
I agree with you- the argument I made is the same one that every owner makes when lobbying for taxpayer funds for stadium projects- “If you build it, they will come.” Which has proven, time and time and time again to be patently false. At most, best case screnario is the town breaks even eventually based on increased

At least 2 -3 college football games a year, plus a major bowl game once the other site’s contacts are up.

Southwest calls that the Charlie Sheen Bundle.

Hopeful statement from Las Vegas residents:

Which week did you go? We went the last weekend in April and it rained everyday and all we kept thinking about was, “Damn Las Vegas sucks apparently!” Not sure if it was the weather or our ages but damn the poverty in that city was depressing. Has Las Vegas always looked like Atlantic City in the desert and I was too

That’s not magic, that’s called the Spearmint Rhino

The bigger issue is once you go black, you never go back- to a situation where taxpayers aren’t getting robbed.

It’s like a guy walking in swinging his dick around, only he has a micropenis and hasn’t bathed in a month.

So if we don’t give you 750 million dollars you won’t bring this garbage stench team to our city? Sold! - Every resident of Las Vegas

All I could think of was Charlotte adding the Hornets in ‘88 and the Panthers in ‘94. You also had Miami go from 1 team to 4 with the arrival of the Heat, Marlins and Panthers within five years in the late ‘80s/early ‘90s. Actually, that’s going from 2 to 5 pro teams if you count Miami Hurricanes football.

The fact that it’s the Raiders is the most mind boggling bit if this to me. They haven’t made the playoffs in over a decade, and they’re making non negotiable demands like this? You’re the fucking Raiders! You haven’t been relevant in over 30 years!

Counter point

Las Vegas Dolla Dolla Bills?

This should help. Kids love pictures!

Maybe if those kids got jobs they wouldn’t be so poor.

The team 0.06% of the country’s been waiting for: THE FARGO RAIDERS.


“thank you but we’re going to move on”

“If we can’t get 750, we respectfully thank you but we’re going to move on.”