
The mentality for these things is “Canon League or it didn’t happen”.

Some people dont count it because its not an official league (they even describe it like that in the anime) and being the champ only meant you had to beat the gym leaders.

Been watching through the movies lately with my gf and kids, and even they had to ask - “he saves the world multiple times but he can’t even win a tournament?”

Nah, it was a fuck up. I’ll fix. Thanks, Sir David!

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

Give them a break. The Olympics are doing their best to make sure that any exposed skin found underwater stays covered in bacteria.

We are all half centaur.

Seems to be how it works in real life too

Oh, you’re absolutely right.

Seems winning the coin toss and choosing “white” was a good idea.

I’m just a hobbyist, but listened to Garrett Fagan’s great courses lecture where he argues Gibbon’s conclusion is wrong that the fall was mainly driven by Christianity from within and Barbarians from without, mainly b/c the Byzantine empire puttered on for 1K years. He also argued the fall couldn’t have been driven by

Fully funded, homie.

It’s clearly satire.

Holy crap. I’m impressed.

This is very similar to the “sandwiches” they serve at the Staggering Ox across Montana.

But also, whoever can afford a Panamera or Ferrari FF should not stay at a Hilton.

No that dress is horrible. From the 80s in a bad, Miami cocaine way.

I had the valet people at a popular, “Michigan Avenue Area Hotel,” take my Range Rover Sport out for the night. The only reason I knew was because I showed up with a near-full tank of gas and reset my trip computer at fill up. I arrived with 90 miles on the odometer.

Same here. I basically had the same experience when my high school boyfriend came out as bi, but everyone said he was gay. Out loud, I railed against bi erasure, over-reliance in stereotypes, and people co-opting his right to self-identify (though I had never heard those terms at the time). In self-pitying moments, as

crotch-grabbing is a common way of playing defense