
Right? Marathon or GTFO.

Yes, the pleasure is enjoying a show or movie the way the creators structured it, not the way arbitrary Internet people feel they have the right to choose for you.

Things I knew before this article and comments:

True. I watched Firefly when it aired. I feel your pain.

You're not the boss of me.

I followed a facebook link. There was no spoiler warning. Just because it's an article about spoilers, doesn't necessarily mean Todd was gonna be a dick about it.

I prefer to enjoy experiencing things unfold as the creator(s) intended. I want to be surprised by surprises.

As someone who just finished S1 of Breaking Bad and didn't know how it ended, I'll tell you how I feel:

Many "welps." Handle it.

I kept meaning to not see Cats, but alas…

Pretty much say this anytime I park anywhere.

Consoles do what PCdon't.

I caught it, but it also works in the scene (i.e. "your pie is so good it's from paradise…")

I was half-expecting someone to find Betty in bed with teen beefcake.

"What do I do now?" — Telescope Kid

"Rebecca Devoreaux? Zbornak? Nyland? I just want you to be golden, girl."

Normal is super-easy mode now. You can probably bump the difficulty up a tick or two. Maybe even to Torment I. You can always slide it back down.

How did I completely miss that they were cannibals?

the revolving showrunners opted for a villain of the week structure instead of being serialized.

Whenever someone takes this show to task for being so obvious and on the nose, viewers like you remind me that they need to be obvious.