
Since the Pandaren can be both Horde or Alliance, they all start together. You don't pick a faction until level 10 or so. They're counting the Pandaren that haven't reached that point and are still factionless.

Boston Common!

RIP Brett Bunsen.

Fox L.A. aired two episodes for me last night: "Bob Fires the Kids" and this new one.

Park your keister, Meester.

Seriously: Keith David. Bury the lede much?

Freedom Fighters (PS2/Xbox)

"Say pillow to my little friend!"
"They're having a pillow fight!"

Chuck was how I discovered Frightened Rabbit and Bon Iver.

How does he present the American suburban family as "perfect"?

She leads a lonely life.

I heard somewhere that the studio tried to push for more backstory, starting on Earth. I'm glad they lost that fight.

I hope they sing!  I hope I can watch a recital video of them singing!

perhaps through the help of colorful prose

Because you know what other jobs that other player has leveled. Got it.

So your need for MNK gear outweighs the need of the MNK who waited in the queue for the "assload of time" you were trying to avoid. So not only should you not have to wait, you should also get dibs on the gear. Got it.

I saw this and liked it.

You'll shoot your eye out.


Fun fact: that sound is actually corduroy pants.