
Thank you.  It was fine.  You'd think this was Saddlesore Galactica bad the way everyone is coming down on it.  The Love, Indubitably bit was great and everything about the Brokewood Apartments - particularly all the other fucked up dads/husbands - made me laugh.

I liked the profanity too.  It's adult Gretel's first line, which pretty much tells the audience: "WINK".

Is it a rule animated wives have to have grating voices?Linda's is just awful.The kids are rarely amusing,and the plots are usually kind of silly. I have given up on everything but American Dad on Sunday nights.

Where is this week's review?

@avclub-aa854f5836947cdf62324ba7d74e1c43:disqus Trolololololololololololo

That's rough, buddy.

Also, Mr. T.

@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus It's not "jeans"?!


You mean this review and grade are completely subjective?!

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Did it heel?

By never growing up at all.


So if I don't approve of how you try to make money, I should be allowed to harass you?

Yes, it's all their fault with their womanly wiles, forcing men (who have no brains or self-control) to open their pocketbooks.

By the same argument, only the women who dress sexy in dark alleys deserve to be raped, amirite, bro?

Ah, the old "women are corrupting weak men with their tits" argument. Why stop at trolling them in game? They need to be stoned in the public square for causing helpless men to give them money.

I came here to ask this very question.

I came here to ask this very question.