
Quite an apology. Hopefully they aim higher in their standards than Facebook.

That... has got to be the most oddly matched music to video. Just a plucky, Feist-inspired tune about dying from drug overdose. Good times!

I thought I was firmly team Ryan-Gosling-resembles-basset-hound, but even I cannot deny a point well made. So... very... well... made.

That doesn't make it ok.

HEY-OH!! You win the internet today.

I love this woman! The smackdown she gave them was so glorious it brought tears to my eyes.

Reminds me of this small study in which men were asked to watch different types of porn, and their levels of sexual arousal were measured.

"Why didn't you report your rape?"

What will come of this poor, poor "male" when he realises that some of us "females" wear our power suits ON THE INSIDE!!?