
It’s called a Mid-Atlantic or trans-atlantic accent. My great-great aunt was an elocution teacher in Boston in the 1920s-50s. Many of the older generation of my family spoke with versions of that accent.

That would be very helpful. I’ve been visiting him this week and came down with a cold, which means that he is engaging in his most irritating signature personality traits: the insistence that whatever you are sick with, he had the same thing just last week, he had it worse and also it was allergies. My cold is only

Strangely, not that much! He does mean well.

My dad looks and acts exactly like Larry David and cannot for the life of him understand how this show is supposed to be a comedy. As far as he can tell, the show is about a great guy who is trying his hardest and everyone else is just really mean to him for no reason. 

I think in a situation like this, the company is investigating their own liability in the accusations and whether it is likely that this person would engage in criminal behavior while on the set of one of their shows. If Hardwick was to sexually assault a crew member on the set, AMC would potentially be liable for

Considering that Hailey lives a few blocks away from Catbird, maybe she would prefer it too. 

to be fair, Selena’s outfit is pretty terrible. But all of those people dress in the absolutely dumpiest clothes I’ve ever seen. Seems like a waste to spend the hottest years of your life wearing a sweatshirt, no pants and sneakers. 

St. Nick? What about Hanukkah, Drake???

I was hoping someone would mention the area he lives in. I’m moving to DC this summer and want to make sure I don’t live anywhere near this trash goblin. 

Perhaps it felt differently to the women receiving the flowers. I’m not Saudi, so I can’t presume to judge how they would feel about this. 

You don’t need to pay them if you’re using your administration to raid the US Treasury/grift America. They’ll just profit indirectly.

Yeah he made an email list of the people who bought Fyre Fest tickets and made up a new company name.

My cousin has BPD and when she texted me to tell me about this her reaction was that he needs to be working more on his dialectical behavioral therapy! People with BPD deserve love just like everyone else, but if they are undergoing therapy, they know that they have a tendency to form attachments too quickly and make

My boss believes in all of this stuff (anti-vax, anti-flu shot, anti-milk, 9/11 conspiracy stuff) and constantly tells me that I need to get myself “educated” like him and how “surprised” he is that a smart person like me would just blindly believe whatever society tells me. As if reading geocities pages from rambling

These people don’t seem to be nearly famous enough or have sustainable enough careers to afford a ring that big. Be smarter with your money!

I asked my parents to send me to boarding school because I was unhappy living with them and fancied myself a grown adult (I wasn’t). I had a very different experience than you describe, but if that’s what you went through, I’m sorry about that. I had to learn to manage my own time without being nagged and was

Considering he was 15 when they let him move out, it seems like he needed that high school education first before college.

Or sending him to boarding school.

To be fair, it sounds like they have moved on. It’s just Heidi Klum talking about it.