
Any recommendations? I spend about 6 days a month in North Virginia (the rest in NYC) and I am consistently underwhelmed by the food there. Would love some new places to try.

I’m not shocked because I think this has less to do with Weinstein and more to do with timing. I think this is a way for a lot of Hollywood to further reject Trump. A year ago, he was on tape bragging about sexual assault and several women came forward with accusations. Then, enough people voted to MAKE HIM PRESIDENT

Legally you cannot publicly accuse someone of being a sexual predator without them being convicted for such or at least having some proof. It’s called slander or libel, depending on how you communicate such information and Harvey is known for being litigious. He also settles out of court so that his victims cannot

My interpretation was that he tries his best to get that sleep by making it a priority in his life over everything besides his children and will go to bed early when they do. He even says that they make doing that difficult. Just because someone might have a live-in nanny doesn’t mean that they ignore a kid who wants

WHAT? So he never spoke up about his own GF’s assault, yet HRC, who was literally the Secy of State then running for President and could have given less of a shit about some rando Hollywood producer was supposed to have what?  Held a press conference to be like “lemme take some time out from helping to run this

I once read something about how the prevalent concept of the “American Dream” means that some poor people out there don’t care about tax breaks for the rich because they assume that THEY will be rich one day too. It’s like the worst form of optimism.

This is just my best guess as to how this absolute lunatic thinks, but I THINK the connection may be signaling to his poor white people support base who voted for him for primarily economic reasons that soon it will be their time too via tax cuts and everybody’s gonna get SO RICH. I think it plays to his perceived

Right??? I think part of it is because state-level elections have way lower turnouts than national elections. Apparently his district is getting increasingly Democratic (Hillary won there), and they will hopefully be fed up enough to vote out a rep who spends his time introducing ultra-conservative bills that aren’t

well, they aren’t going to do it. It was just Marshall who wanted to. He is AWFUL.

Same. I remember being at camp and having boys throwing grapes down my shirt from another table. I was also once showily groped by a gay man immediately upon meeting him (in front of a group of people). He told me “it’s fine, I’m gay!” and I explained to him that in no uncertain terms, no one has permission to touch

For anyone who wants to do something to help with this election, visit and sign up to write postcards to registered democrats to ask them to make sure to go vote. I’m currently doing it and it’s really hard to write positive cards instead of just attacking human-bible-gun hybrid Del. Marshall. He has

Marshall is a Rep in the VA house of delegates, not in Congress. He is also a lunatic who believes that abortions cause breast cancer and that VA should have their own separate currency.

In 2009 I lived in a second floor apartment facing a busy street in NYC. It was on the corner next to a stoplight so I got to hear any song being played extremely loudly on a car radio for the duration of the time the car was stopped at the light. I must have heard that song three million times and it reminds me of

Probably simply because the model was not famous enough. Reputable news sources also open up themselves to serious lawsuits for publishing stories like this, so the NY Times needed multiple on the record witnesses to feel comfortable about publishing a story this damaging to Weinstein’s career without also having the

to be completely honest, most people are not even aware when we are supposed to elect judges. People go to vote for governor or senator and then there is a list of randos you’ve never heard of running for judge. You just vote based on their political party affiliation or whether you like their name. I cannot remember

I would also believe that a lot of these older A-list celebrities do not spend a lot of time perusing online celebrity gossip. They live in a world where fake shit is constantly made up about people they know, so it’s probably easier to assume that any rumor is untrue. I had heard this stuff about Weinstein for years,

As someone who was once fired by him (unrelated to Vice) for being a woman, I can confirm that he sucks just as much as you assume he would. I think he’s more of a professional troll than someone who believes most of this stuff, but it’s not like that’s any better.

I mean, we thought that it would also be easy for a POTUS to condemn white supremacy and neo-nazis. Trump is nothing if not surprising in his ineptitude and casual cruelty.

The point of the comment was not whether that statement was true; it was whether that was an appropriate thing to say at that time.

ha! I promise it was not meant to come across like that. I was trying to clarify that I wasn’t just blindly guessing on this.