
I’d sure love it if American pundits would stop being so damn lazy and entitled, and take about oh... thirty seconds to do very basic homework on why the British Royal Family takes some pains to respect constitutional norms and conventions. I know it must be challenging when your current head of state and his children

Its a game created by the Scots.... So yeah drinking goes with it.

I wish she would go away. The people who still stan her, especially post-Aurora, are despicable.

or people who lived on canals needed a way to get around in the winter?

it makes a lot more sense in context, when you consider this was was basically life in that part of the world for quite some time, when many people supported themselves by hunting.

(and then for a while when the .22 was replaced with a 25mm Ladi and bullseyes with Russian tanks. Thankfully for that event the standing

Which is the one where the former rough-around-the-edges hockey player is paired with the wealthy uptight figure skater? I like that one.

Not funny at all if you think about it in the old school sports as war paradigm. Pretty useful combination if you live somewhere like Finland or Norway and are worried about the Russians or Germans coming calling. 

My reaction when I first heard of curling: “What cold, drunk person come up with this?” Not surprised at all when someone answered “the Scots!”

This. This is infuriating. Yes, Esmeralda is not a WOC. And, yes, Victor Hugo wrote the character, not fucking Walt Disney. It’s not dorky, it’s litterature ! Cultural appropriation much ? (french guy here).

This makes no sense, most Spanish gitanos are cutaneously the tone of your typical Italian, the stereotype ironically is to think otherwise.

Well there were two groups. Suffergettes and Suffergists. The Gettes were the upper middles class radicals. The Gists were more working class and older and seen as more respectable and were much more numerous. But since all they did was mild marching, petitions and pamplhleting they tend to get forgotten and the sexy

There were also the Suffragists, who pursued non-violent campaigning.

Context is key here but Corbyn is only saying this because Amber Rudd, the Tory Home Secretary, said no to blanket pardons due to the complexity of sorting out the individual crimes committed (obviously they were criminals regardless of whether it was good or bad as an act).

Well, if you take the case to a Jury trial I think he might get 10-15 years in football jail but he may get off with nothing. On the other hand, if you offer him a plea I bet he’d take 7-9.

-Patton Oswalt

As someone who has family in Denmark, I can tell you the Norwegians and Danish are as intertwined in history and culturally as the Scottish and the Irish - so it’s like McDonald versus MacDonald. Denmark ruled Norway (sort of) at one point, I believe.

As a WOC, I think she’s an obnoxious, racist bitch who exemplifies White Feminism.. Her treatment of Aurora Perrineau is a perfect example of why she’s a horrible person.

If you had told me during season one that I would come to find Chloe Bennet action scenes a highlight of the show, I would have laughed. Over-the-top laughed.

I used to think superhero movies were generally lame and avoided watching them until I saw WW in the theaters. That got me seeing a few of the films like Ant Man, Spider-Man Homecoming, Iron Man, etc.

Thanks, and lang may yer lum reek.