
Based on your review, it DOES sound like the game committed to a clear perspective on the Iraq War - it just happens to be a shitty perspective. genuinely trying to bring sensible biology to a Pokemon discussion?

I can’t see the problem. Neither can the rabbit, technically.

I’m still in Chapter 1, since I only started playing a few weeks ago, and Dragonspine can get F***ED. Hate it with a passion. As such, have not yet met Albedo in the game proper, but as with all the excessively #thirsttrap characters, I look forward to seeing what made the fandom go “Hnnnng.”

Thank you for introducing me to the phrase, “Geo Daddy,” which I will now be unable to unsee.

Someone over at Polygon in their comments section called it “passive progressive” and yeah... basically.

Thank you for answering my question! Adding this one to my future media list. I love the whole “ex-adventurer goes domestic” trope so this one is right up my alley.

Ok, but how far does the brocon go because that can be anything from “protective sibling” to something more incestuous.

I’m going to blame it on being tired, but it took me an obnoxiously long time to realize this was a review of Renaissance Festivals, as a whole, instead of a review of a specific RenFair that also did massive LARPing.

Laughed so hard I snorted, thanks for that.

This description of what a “strand” game is almost immediately brings to mind the game “Journey,” since it too has an entire mechanic revolving around a potential random connection that can be as brief or as meaningful as the two participants so choose.

A story shouldn’t change itself to fit the person reading it. Mechanically, I can kind of get where he’s coming from? Almost? But I prefer single player story games specifically BECAUSE I do not want my game experience to be impacted by other people/the way that other people play games. Hence why I do not play MMORPGs


With all these circles and spheres one could almost say she’s reinventing the wheel...

THIS is the article I was looking for when all the “here’s how people are reacting to BD” stuff kept coming out. Thank you.

And we work our way backwards from there, from Alola to Kalos, Unova to Sinnoh, Hoenn to Johto, until we make it all the way back to Pokémon Red and Green’s Kanto region.”

And, according to a good friend who’s Horizon-obsessed, one of those mammoth versions is already sold out.

Oh HELL yes, this is my JAM!

What I am getting from all these articles on the Saints Row reboot/sequel is that the OG series was the Manic Pixie Dream Girl of video games, and now the new ones might... not be that?

Came here to say this, ayup.