Human Toranado

So this dude is human trash. What gets me the worst is that he has so many young kids watching him. I, for one, wouldn’t want to go to the suicide forest for the very reason that I’m probably going to see remains and this jackass shows up in a Toy Story alien cap and completely exploits the pain and tragedy of real,

I completely agree with your statement, but I’m pretty sure Jim Sterling himself would argue that he is indeed an asshole. An intelligent, open-minded asshole, but an asshole nonetheless.
And let’s throw Markiplier, Maximilian Dood, and the Best Friends guys into the ‘not-a-shitbag’ category while we’re at it.

Fingers crossed they don’t touch the single player...although I betcha there’s going to be costumes and gun / horse skins that you can purchase with real cash.

I’m very good friends with one of my ex’s and there’s absolutely nothing romantic between us anymore. If I date someone long enough, it’s inevitable they will meet her and I’m not going to cut someone out of my life because someone else can’t trust me.

I see a lot of quotations in comment sections copy/pasted to give the pretense of depth. Congratulations on actually having one that is both apt and intelligent. +1 star.

Your spoiler is a spoiler as someone who hadn’t played the game wouldn’t know it was a spoiler until you spoiled the spoil.

I think that it’s telling that he finds her attractive and fun. Perhaps he’s not aware of how racist his views can be. His upbringing and surroundings sound pretty insular, but I think it’s healthy that he’s having these questions rather than simply blowing her off.
He’s torn between what he’s always known and

Hey! This kinda happened with me too! Not with a co-worker, but a woman in our circle of friends. We were very flirty, went on a couple of dates...did...’stuff’...but, she wasn’t into dating anyone on the reg.
I was disappointed, but wanted to remain friends as we always had been. Problem is, she (admittedly) can be

As someone who views Satan as the best fictional super villain ever created (maybe after the Joker...) and as a self-proclaimed metal head, I never saw the point in joining a church. It’s all so very ‘Look at meeeeee! Look how different and weird I am!’
Pretty sure people can tell that just by talking to me.

Man, Kotaku’s writers sure do like those exclamation points. There are just so many! I can’t help but read a statement like that in a certain way. And it’s not good! Nobody talks like that. 

I would like to take some time to complain about how this is racist since they’re not getting Japanese actors of European descent to play these roles. They’re destroying the intention of the creator and completely ignoring the fact that these changes have been made for the sole purpose of appealing to a wider

I’m kinda surprised at how many people seem to want ol’ redhead MJ show up down the line. There are so many other changes to cannon, but none of it feels out of place with Spider-Man and I don’t see why this is a sticking point.
Didn’t we already get three movies of MJ the model? Why not mix it up for the sake of

Bit of an extreme comparison there, eh?

I was actually about to leave a comment about The Departed. And there’s so many more!

I know for the Souls series and Witcher series, you can repair any broken equipment with the right materials.
Also, I think most major RPGs primarily use non-degradable weapons that you just replace with better weapons.

This should have been an editorial piece.
I had to skim through the personal stuff, because I didn’t really see how it was relevant to a review. Not knocking the author personally, this just felt like it belonged more on Polygon (ya burnt).
After all, aren’t reviews supposed to be as objectionable as possible?

Light in the manga/anime is referred to by the public as ‘Kira,’ which literally means ‘killer.’ - Let’s say you decide to cast Light, the main character, as a black man. Do you really believe their wouldn’t be backlash from people saying, “Oh! Why they gotta cast the BLACK MAN as the murderer?!” Especially if the

I betcha this is the centerpiece of their marketing.
“Oh, you want to see the most visually interesting character of the series? Ya wanna judge our special effects? Death Note arrives on August 25!”

True. Perfect opportunity to cast the brilliant, unstable, mass murdering main character an Asian American.
Having said that, I do hope that they make an effort to create a diverse cast - I just think you would face more controversy by casting a character who adopts the moniker ‘Killer’ as a person of color.

In the Japanese live action adaptation? Probably?
I’ve seen the Attack on Titan live action flick...not once did I ask, “Where the European people at?”
Now, I did ask“Why is this terrible?”, but I doubt that had to do with the ethnicity of the cast.