Death threats aren’t a form of bullying? Furthermore do you think that women who are threatened with rape and death on the internet are overreacting as well?
Death threats aren’t a form of bullying? Furthermore do you think that women who are threatened with rape and death on the internet are overreacting as well?
I would never do any of those things. I’m voting Clinton. But thanks for proving my point with your over the top anger amd defensiveness.
If you for one second, don’t believe Trump supporters are getting death threats, you have not interacted with the berniebros much. Scumbags are not beholden to one party and can also like our candidates of choice.
It’s illegal to shut down roads. And btw, the roads they were blocking lead to a hospital. Not everyone was heading to a Trump rally.
It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.
That’s why Denton and that other human turd were also personally sued, and why the jury awarded more than asked. The jury reconvenes Monday to award yet more money in punitive damages. The toilet is flushed. Jordan is next, that little fuck.
capital to pay staff and maintain the site? a good reputation to attract worthwhile advertisers? Gawker has none of that now through their own asshattery
They do nothing but post race bait articles. The chicken is finally coming home to roost. BROTHER
When Daulerio said ‘anyone over four years old is fair game’, it probably cinched it with quite a few of the jurors.
Denton and Daulerio didn’t do themselves any favors acting like jackasses in court. I can’t believe they picked a Hulk Hogan sex tape as their hill to die on. The loss is completely deserved.
Wishful thinking. RIP Gawker.
“The exercise will last five weeks.”