
I’m sure Graham Gano wants to forget.

I hope he does well and doesn’t suffer a more serious injury.

Andrew moved from Raleigh and calls Denver a “shitass town.”

“He plays the game the RIGHT way!"

Velvet Pussy is a sweet band name.

If we’re talking hard hits on quarterbacks, don’t forget me.

Not all of us are assholes, we just get stuck here and can’t get out.

Nick Nolte must be on work release.

I noticed they didn’t steal Marchman’s cereal list.

I have a son with autism and this made my day.

Here, borrow these: “Fuckin’ gross!"

Bury him in that Polo from Chopped.

Finally! A reason to be thrilled that I’m bald!

Love the tag for this article.

Sal Alosi wants in.

Better to be a tot than an angel, bozo.

Gil Meche was also a guy!

Congratulations on your promotion!

Turned out well for this guy.

San Diego -Asked restaurant host: “God, did you hear about Sports Illustrated ?”