
Counterpoint - you called all sodas tonics!

My biggest hangup on the new RedWings arena is HOW the land around the arena was acquired. Ilitch slowly and quietly bought up small patches of land where the new arena stands. He then purposely neglected those parcels and because of the name behind it, code and the city looked the other way. This caused the values of

So instead of art on a car (an art car), this is art around a car, which can only be view by an app. And so when I look AT THE CAR IN REAL LIFE, THERE IS NO GOT-DAMN ART!!!

Haha I read your comment and I was like “seriously! I’m typing on my phone! Give me a break!” Then I realized what you meant and that I’m definitely in need of more coffee

Cleon. Brown.

but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.

To be fair, those stigmata wounds in his hands open easily.

Or, Oprah likes making money and when it comes down to it, she doesn’t really care how that happens.

Read that whole graf: You have to meet both requirements to comply with the NFL’s gambling policy, not to be in violation.

Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.

No surprise here. Revis had someone else cover for him.

That’s silly. So training removes all accidents?

I mean, I wish more people would pose these questions (why didn’t you cast a person of the race the original character is) to the producers/directors. Of course it’s good to have the conversation and get the point out there, but it’s not really up to the actors. Obviously, SJ could have turned down the project, and

“increasingly worried”

Really, how hard was the hit? Did Alexander ring Graham’s bell?

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

I agree that smoothen is an awkward usage; however, to make it worse, smoothening is not even what the the original author had in mind...and I quote:

Instead of arguing with a stranger over the Internet about whether their disdain for the word choices of another stranger over the Internet on a blog about lifehacking, I’d take a moment to do a word count of your own post and savor the delicious irony of, “Surely (hopefully) you have better things to do with your